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Charles A. Ferguson . . . 1959 ‘The Arabic Koine’ Language : 35 : 616-30.
Charles A. Ferguson
‘Is Nagamese a creoloid ?’ to appear in : Pidgin and creole languages : Essays in memory of J.E. Reinecke (ed) Glenn Gilbert.
Charles A..Ferguson
and C.E.De. Bose.
1977 ‘Simplified Registers, Broken Language and pidginization’, Pidgin & Creole Linguistics, (ed) A. Valdman, Bloomington : 99-125.
Charles A..Ferguson and J.J. Gumperz.  1960  Linguistic Diverisity is South East Asia Studies in regional, social and functional veriation, International Journal of American Linguistics, 26 : 3, part III.
Fleischmann, U . . . . 1978 Zur Funktion von Sprache in Sozialen and Geographischan Roum-University at Berlin. Quoted in Peter Muhlhanslar (1979).
Edward A. Gait . . . .  1897 Report of the progress of Historical research in Assam, Calcutatta.
P.L.Garvin . . . . 1959/66  ‘The Standard Language patterns: concepts and methods’ Anthropological Linguistics 1(2) : 28-31 (reprinted language in culture & society (ed) Dell Hymes) New York : 28-31.
P.P.Giridhar . . . . 1982  Angami Grammar, Mysore.
G.C.Goswami . . . 1966 Introduction to Assamese Phonology, Poona, 1966.
K.S.G.Gowda . . . 1975  Ao Grammar, Mysore.
Von Furer Haimendorf C. . .  1939 The naked Nagas, London.
Von Furer Haimendorf C. . . 1976 Return to the Naked Nagas, Delhi.
Einar Haugen . . . . 1966 Language conflict and Language Planning : the case of modern Norwegian Cambridge.
Robert Hall Jr. . . .  1953 A comparative study of Haitian creole : Grammar, text, vocabulary, Philadelphia
Robert Hall Jr. . . . 1962 ‘The life cycle of Pidgins’ Lingua 11 : 151-6.
Robert Hall Jr . . . . 1966 Pidgins and creoles, Ithaca.
M.J. Harskovits . . . . 1936 Suriname folklore, New York.
Tometro Hopkins . . . .  1979  ‘A re-evaluation of creole continuum (memeo) an intervention paper at the Virgin Island Conference, March 38/31, 1979.
Dell Hymes (ed) . . . 1971 Pidginization and Creolization, Cambridge.
Alexandar Hull . . . 1979 ‘On the misuse of the terms "pidginization" and "creolization" (memeo) a paper at the Virgin Island conference, March 28/31. 1979.
Imperial Gazeteer of India .  Vol. XII Delhi.
L.Kijung . . .  1961 Report on Christian work in Nagaland Jorhat.
Mary Hope Lee and A.F. 1975  ‘On inventories and syllable structures’ Vaughan-cooke. (memeo) paper presented at the International conference on ‘Pidgins and Creoles’, Hawaii, January 6-11, 1975.
Charles G. Leland . . . 1910 Pidgin-English Sing-song, London.
Robert B.Le Page . . . 1977 ‘Decreolization and Re-creolization: a preliminary report on the Sociolinguistic survey of multilingual communities’ State II, Lucia, York Papers in Linguistis, 7 : 10-12.
Robert B.Le Page. . . 1960 ‘Capeverdean : The notion of simplification’ and David De Camp. (memeo) an intervention paper at the Virgin Islands conference, March 28/31, 1979.
Peter Muhlhasler . . . 1974 Pidginization and simplification Languages Camberra.
Peter Muhlhasler . . .  1979 ‘Structural expansion and the process of creolization’ (memeo) a position paper, at the Virgin Islands conference, March 28/31, 1979.
K.S.Nagaraj (forthcoming) Konyak grammar, Mysore.
Abdon A. Jok Nhial . . . 1975  ‘Ki-nubi and Juba Arabic : The Relationship between a creole and a pidgin of the Arabic langauge’ (memeo). A paper presented at the II International conference on Pidgins and creoles, Hawaii, January 6-11, 1975. 
J iri V. Neustupny . . 1970 ‘Basic types of treatment of langauge problems’ Linguistic communication, 1 : 77-98.
J iri V. Neustupny . . . 1977 ‘Planning for Australia’ Language Sciences No. 45, April 28-31.
Tony Obilade . . . . 1979 ‘Pidgin English as a medium of instruction : The Nigerian experience’ (intervention paper) Virgin Islands conference, March 28/31, 1979.
J.T. Plat . . . 1975(a) ‘The social significance of speech, Amsterdam.
J.T. Plat and H.K.Plat and H. Weber. 1980 English in Signapore and Malaysia : status : features : functions. KualaLumpur.
Edgar poleme . . . 1971 ‘The Katanga (Lumbumbashi) Swahili creole’ in Hymes (Ed) 1971.
Edgar poleme . . .  1963 ‘Cultural languages and contact vernculars in the Republic of Congo’ Texas studies in Literature and language, 4(4) 499-511. 
Dynaley J. Prince . . .  1912 ‘An ancient New Jersey Jargon’ Anthropological Linguistics (N.S) 14 : 217-32.
John E.Reinecke . . .  1938/64 ‘Trade jargons and creole dialects as marginal langauges’ Social forces 17 : 107-18 (reprinted: Language in culture and society (ed) D.Hymes 1964:534-546.

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