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a unique feature. Ferguson
1 (forthcoming) attempted to classify Naga Pidgin as a creoloid on the basis of the definition of Todd (1975) by comparing the description of Naga Pidgin with the Sengapore English of Platt (1975a, 1975b and 1980), but gave up stating that ‘for the more specific question, "Is Nagamese a creoloid?", we must also acknowledge the difficulty of a definite answer. We need a clearer definition of the type "croloid" and more information on the structure and use of Nagaemese’. In the last page of the same article, he further states that ‘It is still the author’s coviction that generalizations about pidginization and creolization are premature and likely to be wrong until a more conclusive taxonomy is available (Ferguson & DeBose 1977). Important and challenging theoretical forays starting from idealized "natural" creolization from Europeon based Pidgins (Bicherton 1978) or from the analysis of adult second language acquistion (Shumann 1978) have their place om creole studies but at least as valuable are detailed, insightful investigations of non-Europeon based. not quite, classic marginal varieties. Fortunately Sreedhar and Platt are continuing to investigate Nagamese and Somgapore colloquial English, as they and their colleagues are concerned with theoretical issues of definition and taxonomy (cf. Sreedhar 1982, Platt & Weber 1980)’. Since the present western hypotheses regarding the Pidgins and creoles were found tp be inapplicable even in the case of some of the pidgins and creoles based on Europeon languages, a way out seems to be to modify partially the western hypotheses so as to keep these two different but not distinct language types kept them under the rubric of marginal languages. Fortunately many western creolists like Ferguson, Samarin, Hull, Mecedo, Dreschal, etc., all cited earlier, also feel the need for a rethinking with regard to the definition and characteristic features of pidgins and creoles.


K.P. Acharya . . . . 1983 Lotha grammar, Mysore
K.P.Acharya (forthcoming)  Halbi : a report of the pilot survey of Baster district,’ Languages of wider communication (Studies in Pidgins & Creoles) (ed) M.V. Sreedhar.
S.Takdir Alisjahabana   1974 Language Planning for Modernization : The case of the Indonesian and Malaysian : The Hauge, Paris.
M. Alemchiba Ao . . .   1970 A historical account of Nagaland, Kohima.
Badgly . . . . . .   1973 ‘Tour diary’ (excerpts in M.A. Ao 1970).
Charles-James N.Bailey   1973 Variation and Linguistic theory, Washington.
1Prof. C.A. Ferguson posted to this writer a types cript copy of his paper is Nagamese a Creooid?’ which it to Reinecke Memorial volume (ed.) G. Gilbert.
Muhammad Umar Bashir . The Southern Sudan from conflict to peace. London-(quoted in Bell 1975).
Herman Bell . . . .  1975 ‘Pidgin Arabic : The language survey of Sudan’ a paper presented at the II International Conference on Pidgins and creoles Hawaii, January 6-11, 1975.
Lt. Bigges . . . . .  1981 ‘Tour diary’ (excerpts in M.A. Ao, 1970)
Derek Bikerton . . . . 1973 ‘On the nature of creole continuum’ Language 49 : 640-69.
Derek Bikerton . . .  1975 Dynamics of a creole system, London.
Derek Bikerton and C.Ode .  1976 Change and variation in Hawaiian English, Vol. 1, Hawaii.
L.Bloomfield . . . . 1933 Language, New York.
William Bright and A.K. Ramanujan 1972 ‘Sociolinguistic variation and language change’ Sociolinguistics (ed) J.B.Pride, Middle sex : 287:301.
J. Butler . . . . 1847 ‘Rough notes on Angami Nagas and their languages’. Jounal of the Asiatic society of Bengal, Vol. 1, 44, part 1. 1875 : 307-346.
Jenet LByron . . . .  1976 Selection among alternates in language standardization : the case of Albanian, Paris.
Census of India . . . 1951 Vol. 1, Delhi
Census of India . . . 1961 Vol. 1, Part IIc (II) Language tables, Delhi 1964.
Census of India . . . 1971 Series, I, India population : 1971, Delhi.
Census of India . . . 1971 Grammatical sketches of Indian Languages with comparative vocabulary and texts, Language monograph (1961 series) Compiler R. C. Nigam 1975.
Census of India . . 1981 Series 23, provisional population totals, Calcutta. 
Suniti Kumar Chatterji 1963 Languages and Literatures of Modern India, Calcutta.
Mrs. E.W. Clark . . . 1893 Ao Naga Grammar, Shilong.
James M.Crawford . . .  1978 The Mobilian Trade language, Krux ville.
E.T.Dalton . . . 1872 Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal, Calcutta.
David de Camp. . 1971 ‘The study of pidgin and creole languages. Hymes (ed),1971 : 13-42.
Richard R.Day . . . 1974  ‘Decreolization : Co-existent systems and post creole continuum’, Pidgins and creoles : current trends and prospects (ed) David De camp and Jon. F. Hancock, Washington D.C. : 38-45.
E.J.Drechsel. . .  1981  ‘A preliminary sociolingusitic comparison’ of four indigenous pidgin languages, Anthropological Linguistics, 23 : 93-112’. 
Encyclopeaedia Britanica . 1974 Vol. 9 XV edition, London/chicago etc.
verrier Elwin . . . 1961 Nagaland. Shillong.

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