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Grant Ranav . . . . 1945 ‘Chinook Jargon’, International Journal of Anthropological Linguistics II, 11 : 225-233. 
L.A.Richardson . . . 1979 ‘Towards an education policy in Netherlands Antillies’ (memeo) an intervention paper- Virgin Islands conference, March 28/31, 1979.
Rajesh Sachadev (Forthcoming) A bilingual grammar of Hindi-Punajbi (ed) M.V.Sreedhar.
Gillian Sankoff . . . . 1977 ‘Multilingualism in Papua New Guinea : Pacific Linguistics : C.40 : 265-307.
Gillain Sankoff . . . . 1979 Linguistic variation in Pidgin creole studies (memeo) a position paper: Conference on ‘Theoretical orientation in creole studies : Virgin Islands, March 28/31, 1979.
William J.Samarin 1971 ‘Salient and substantive pidginization’ Dell Hymes (ed) 117-140.
Huge Schuchardt 1909 Die lingua franca Zeitschrift fur Romanische Phillogie : 33 : 441-61. (quoted in Hymes) (ed) 1971 : 5.
J.H.Schumann . . . . 1975 The pidginization process, Newbury. 
Rekha Sharma & Sam Mohan Lal (forthcoming). ‘A report of a pilot survey of Sadari spoken in parts of M.P., Bihar and West Bengal’ Langauges of wider communication (ed) M.V.Sreedhar.
G.B.Shaw . . . 1945 Pysmalion, London.
Franklin Southworth 1971 ‘Detecting prior creolization : an anlysis of the historical origin of Marathi’ Hymes (ed) 255-274. 
M.V.Sreedhar . . . 1964 A descriptive analysis of the Malabari dialect of Malayalam Ph.D. Thesis (unpublished) Poona University, Poona.
M.V.Sreedhar . . .  1974(a) Naga Pidgin : a sociolinguistics study of Inter-lingual communication pattern in Nagaland, Mysore.
M.V.Sreedhar. . . 1974(b) Language contact situation in South India, Trends in Borrowing : Journal of Kerala Studies, Part IV, 409-419.
M.V.Sreedhar . . . 1976/77 ‘Standardization of Naga Pidgin An thropological Linguistics, Vol. 18, 1976 : 371-79 and also in Journal of Creole Studies, Ian F.Hancock (ed) Vol.1, 1977, No. 1 : 157-170.
M.V.Sreedhar . . . 1978/83 ‘Language planning in multilingual Nagaland’ a paper presented at the X International Congress of Anthrological and ethnological Sciences. 19-21, December 1978. India, Towards greater height (ed) D.P.Pattanayak, Mysore, 1983.
M.V.Sreedhar . . . 1979 ‘Function of bilingualism in Nagaland’ International Journal of Sociology of Language (ed) Joshua A. Fishman, Vol. 22 : 103-113.
M.V.Sreedhar . . . 1980 ‘Language Planning in the context of Pidgins-creoles in multilingual setting, (memeo) International Summer Institute in Langauge Planning : June 15 to July 15, 1980 Mysore.
M.V.Sreedhar . . . 1981 ‘Pidginzation and simplification’ (memeo) Seminar on Convergence’ Pidginization and simplification, Mysore, March 81 (to appear in the proceedings (ed) M.V.Sreedhar.
M.V.Sreedhar . . . 1982(a) Sema Grammar, Mysore.
M.V.Sreedhar . . . 1982(b) ‘Issues in describing Indian Pidgins and creoles, (memeo) III International Conference on South Asian Languages and Linguistics. January 13-16, 1982.
M.V.Sreedhar . . .  1982(c) ‘Need to redefine the terms pidgins and creoles, (memeo) International conference on in search of terminology, 19-23, 82 Mysore.
M.V.Sreedhar . . . 1983(a) ‘Correlates of identity, shifts and Language shift/loss, (memeo) U.G.C. Seminar on Problems among minority communities, M.K.University, Madurai, June 27-30
M.V.Sreedhar . . .  1983(b) ‘Coining of words in pidgins and creoles: a case study of Naga Pidgin, a paper presented at the International conference on Urban Pidgins and creoles. York (U.K.) September 24-27, 83 (to appear in the proceedings).
M.V.Sreedhar . . . 1983(c) Language policy and language planning in multilingual Nagaland : a paper presented at the International conference on Language Policy and Social Problems, Dec. 14-18, 83 at Curacao, The Netherlands Antillies.
M.V.Sreedhar(ed)(forthcoming) Languages of wider communications:studies in Pidgins & Creoles. 
M.V.Sreedhar (ed)(fortcoming) Proceedings of the seminar on Convergence, Pidginizaiton & Creolization. 
V.Stefenson . . .  1909 ‘Eskimo Trade Jargon of Herschel Island’ Anthropological Linguistics (N.S.) 11 : 217-32.
K.S.Rajyashree Subbayya (forthcoming) Sadari of Orissa, Bazaari Hindi of Dharawi slum, both to appear in M.V.Sreedhar (ed).
Valter Tauli . . .  1968 Introducation to a theory of Language Planning, Uppasala.
Sarah Gray Thomson . . . 1983 ‘Chinook Jargon in areal and historical context’, Language 59(4) Dec. : 820-870.
Loreto Todd . . . 1974 Pidgins and creoles, London.
Loreto Todd . . . 1975  ‘Dialect or creole:the case for the creoloid’, II International conference on Pidgins & creoles, Hawaii, January 6-11, 1975.
Albert Valdman . . . 1969 ‘Language situation in Haiti’ Research resources of Haiti (ed) R.Scharbel : 155-203, New York. 
Albert Valdman(ed) . . . 1977 Pidgin and creole linguistics, Bloomington.
Jan Voorhoeva . . . 1971 ‘Church creole and pagan cult languages’ Hymes (ed) 1971 : 305-315.
D.Winford . . . . 1975 ‘The creole situation in the context of sociolinguistic studies (memeo) International conference on pidgins and creoles, Hawaii, January 6/11. 1975.

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