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The Progressive
The progressive or durative aspect is marked for verbs of physical flux, statinary or displaced movement by -e and by the (referentially) freely varying -co, -we and by the verb bu ‘to be’ following the continuous participial form of the main verb for other verbs.
59. 1.  raho1 zhie-e2 (the) bird1 is flying2
  2.  pfo1 vu-e2 he1 is coming2
  3.  lolia1 lo-e2 Lolia1 is going/coming down 2
  4. osi1 kaxi2 cu ta-e3   two2 dogs1 are running 3
  5.  maia1 odo2 -li3 ho lo-e4 Matia1 is coming4 to3 the field 2
  6.  phodzü1 khe-e2 (the) cock1 is crowing2
  7.  odzü1 mala-e2 (the) water1 is boiling2
  8.  cükhri1 mohru-e2 (the) wind1 is blowing 2
  9.  makhabo1 mozü-e2 Makhabo1 is passing water 2
  10.  ocü-sü bübü-e1 it is thundering 1
  11. mikhe khe1 phüphü pra-e2   smoke1 is billowing up/out2
  12.  odzü1 kru-e2 water1 is flowing2
  13. kheto1 mokro-e2   rice1 is coming up2
  14.  a1 na-o2 kra-e3 my1 child2 is crying3

Among the obvious exceptions to this rule of -e marking the progressive aspect of verbs of physical movement are kokru ‘play’ and odzü akhrü ‘to wash body parts’ :
60. a.  *onamüi1 kokru-e2 children1 are playing2
  b.  *kaini1 odzü akhrü-e2 Kaini1 is washing body parts2

It is important to note that the interaction of the progressive aspect marker -e and the verb-final vowel (VFV) does not end in synaeresis: e is syllabic, diaretic, the sentence-marker e being deleted.

VFV + e + sntmrkr e ą V V + e


e.g vu + e + e ą vu-e ‘is/are coming’

whereas, for instance,


VFV + O (past tense marker) + sntmrkr e ą VFVV

e.g vu + O + e ą vue9 ‘came’


VFV + O (present tense marker) + e ą VFVV

e.g odzü pa + O + e the sntmrkr ą odzü pae9 ‘likes’liked’

The continuous participial form of the main verb followed by bu ‘to be’ and -co mark the progressive typically. not always, when reporting to a third person who is not seeing the action. This, of ocurse, does not apply to verbs of cognition and emotional disposition in whose case there is in any case no contrast between sen and unseen actions.
61 1.  lohro1 larü { phro-o bue }2
      { phro coe }

Lohro1 is reading (a)

 book 2
  2.  hepuni1 cihi2 (kali)3 { rü-o bue }4
      { rü coe }
    Hepuni1 is writing 4 (a) 3 letter 2  
  3.  nieomüi-i1 osa { she-o bue }2
      { she coe }
    (the) girls1 are washing clothes2  
  4.  kaisa1 opi ku-o bue 2  
    Kaisa1 is combing her hair2  
  5.  a1 cümüi2 ozhi-o bue 3  
    my1 wife2 is sleeping3  
  6.  lokho1 larü { modo-o bue }2
      { modo coe }
    Lokho1 is studying 2  
  7. onamüi 1 {kokru-o bue }2
      { kokru coe }
    children1 are playing2  
  8.  pfota1 { avu-o bue }2
      { avu coe }
    they (excl. pl.)1 are taking meals 2  
  9.  ocümüi 1 ye2 oco-sü3 { kozü-o bue }4
      { kozü coe }
    husband1 and2 wife3 are quarreling4


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