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 khiboli1 ocü ni-i-we2
  it shines2 in Kohima1, infrequently, irregularly, sporadically 2


 ata1 izho deni2 kokru-i-we3
  we (excl. prn. & excl. pl.)1 play3 now a days2 irregularly, infrequently, sporadically 3


 izho deni1 shui-i-we2
  O has/have holidays2 nowadays1 irregularly, infrequently, sporadically 2


 ai1 pfo23 he4 vu-i-we5
  I1 go5 to4 his2 house3 irregularly, infrequently, sporadically 5


 pfo-no1 pfo2 pfü-yi3 so khro-i-we4
  he1 helps4 his2 mother3 irregularly, infrequently, sporadically 4


a1 na pfoo2 mozü-i-we3
  my1 son2 passes water irregularly, infrequently, sporadically3


 pfo1 pfo2 oshi-i-we3
  his1 father2 faints now and then, irregularly, infrequently, sporadically3

Sentences 55. 1-2 and 55.3 illustrate the (a) and (b) meanings respectively :


1. cükhri 1-li2 onamüi3 ari-i-we 4
    children3 make noise4 at2 nights1


 pfota1 baji2 coku-sü3 ta-i-we4
    they (excl. pl.)1 go4 at eight3 o’clock2


 ni1 omi2 he3 kahi ko-i4 -li5 ni-yi6 ro-oi-we7
    if you (sg.)1 go4 near3 (the) fire2 , you’ll6 get burnt7

Note that the habitual aspect marker -we does not occur in the negative.
56. 1.    ai1huni2 tunidzü3 cü-we4  
      I1 drink4 milk3 daily2  
    1a.  ai1huni2 tunidzü3 { *cü mo-we }4
        { cü-we-moe }
        { cü moe }
      I1 don’t drink4 milk3 daily2  
    2. ata1 baji2 cani3 he-no4 avu-lo-we5  

we (excl. prn. & excl. p.)1 take

 our meals5 around4 73 o’clock2
    2a.  ata1 baji2 cani3 heno4 {*avu-(lo)-mo-we5 }
        { avu(-lo)-moe }

we don’t take our meals

 around 7 o’cock
    3  maibo1 mikrül-a2 sü-we3  
      Mathibo1 knows3 Meitei2  
    3a.  mahibo1 mikrüla2 { *sü mo-we }3
        { *sü-we-moe }
        { sü moe }
      Mathibo1 does not know3 Meitei 2  

Finally, -we does not occur in the future tense : Like in Ebglish, there is no morphological expression of the future habitual.
The Iterative
The Iterative or Frequentative of Repetitive aspect is marked by the re-duplication of the habitual aspect-marked verb, if it is monosyllabic and by partial reduplication, if it is polysyllabic.
57. 1a.  na1 pfoo2 mozüzü-we3 my1 son2 keeps passing water3
  2.  pfokrehrü1 pfokho2 he 3 vuvu-we4 Pfokrehrü1 keeps going4 to3
  3. hehi1 ocü (i)rürü-we2 it keeps raining2 here1
  4.  ocü (i)nini-we 1 it keeps shining1

An alternative way of expressing this aspect is the lexical one of using the iterative-aspectual adverb zhazha ‘frequently’ with the verb in the habitual aspect.


1.  a1 na pfoo2 mozü3 zhazha4 -we3
    my1 son2 keeps passing water3 frequently4
  2.  pfo1 he2 vu3 zhazha4 -we3
    he1 keeps4 coming3 here2
  3.  hehi1 ocü (i)rü2 -zhazha3 -we2
    it keeps3 raining2 here1
  4.  ocü (i)ni1 zhazha2 -we1
    it keeps2 shining1


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