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10.  boni1 ovo { so-o bue }2
    { so coe }
  Boni1 is working2  
11.  a1 pfü2 khevu3 { so-o bue }4  
  { so coe }  
  my1 mother2 is preparing4 curry3  
12.  caakho1 ocü2 { pe-o bue }3  
  { pe coe }  
  Chakho1 is giving3 (a) lecture2  
13.  takha1 ona { atu-o bue }2  
  { atu coe }  
  Takha1 is dressing up2  
14.  ai1 pfoyi2 odzü pa-o bue3  
  I1 like3 her2  
  lit. I1 am liking3 her2  
15.  pfo1 zhü-o bue2  
  he1 is well2  
16.  pfo1 nitamüi2 hopfü-yi 3 sü-o bue4  
  he1 knows4 all of 3 you (excl. pl.)2  
17.  lonia1 neli-yi2 le sü-o bue3  
  Lonia1 loves3 Neli2  
lit. Lonia is loving Neli

-we, if used for reporting to a third person, is casual, even disrespectful. Further, -we is general, casual whereas co and the continuous participle plus bu ‘to be’ mark a durative aspect which is more specific and serious in some sense with certain verbs.

62 1.

 ni1 adi2 so-we3

what2 are3 you (sg.)1 doing3 ?
{ so-o bue }3

 ni1 adi 2

{ } what2 are3 you (sg.)1 doing 3
{ so coe }

Progression over a period of time, though not necessarily at the time of the speech act, is also marked by the same markers :


1. izho deni1 ai2 baibl3 { koda-coe }4
{ koda-o bue }
{ koda-we }

these days1 I2 am translating4

 (the) bible 3
2.  lonia1 izho deni2 ai ye yes3 duno4 { kocuda-coe } 5
{ kocuda-o bue}
{ kocuda-we }

Lonia1 is preparing5 for4 IAS3

  these days2
3.  lohro1 larü2 kali3 { rü-we }4
{ rü-o bue }
{ rü-we }

Lohro1 is writing4 a3 book2

 (these days)
4.  mahibo1 MA2 { modo-o bue }3
{ modo-coe }
{ modo-we }
Mathibo1 is doing3 (an) M.A.2

Since the aorist is phonicallyunmarked, in the absence of a time adverb, all the sentences above illustrating the progressive aspect (could) have past tense meanings as well.
Future progressive, as may be predicted, is marked by le, the future tense auxiliary added to two of the three progressive aspect markers viz. -co and bu following the continuous participial form of the verb. -we, the third progressive aspect marker does not, however, occur in the future.



 sodu1 ni2 kovucü-sü3 ai4

{ olo so-co le }5
      { olo so-o bu le }
      { *olo so le-we }
      { *olo so-we le }

when3 you (sg.)2 come3


tomorrow1, I4 will be singing5


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