Download Hmar Book Gender of Personal Pronouns
Personal Pronouns in Hmar do not show any gender distinction. Case of Personal Pronouns
The menifestation of various cases in respect of the personal pronouns is not very stable. Generally the forms of the personal pronouns listed above mark agentive. The same forms could mark genitive as well; i.e. /ká lèkhàbù/ ‘my book’ except that /ámà/ ‘his/her’ and /ánnì/ ‘their’ occur as morphemic alternate to /á/ and /án/ respectively. The accusative is marked slightly differently as under:
/kéi/ ‘me’, ‘to me’
/éi, kéi-nì/ ‘use’
/í/ ‘to you’
/án/ ‘to them’
The Instrumental is uniformaly marked by {-in} as under:
/kéi-ìn/ ‘by me’
/kéi-nìn/ ‘by us’
/éi-nìn/ ‘by us’
/ná-ìn > nánín/ ‘by you’
/ámà-ìn/ ‘by him/her’
/ámà-ìn > ámà:n/ ‘by him/her’
The ablative is marked by {-a} + post position /ìnthkín/; the pp, however, could be optionally deleted.
/kéi-à ìnthkín/ ‘from me’
/eínì-à ìnthkín/ ‘from use’
/ná-à ìnthkssín/ ‘from you (sg.)’
/nánì-à ìnthkín/ ‘from you (pl.)’
/àmà-à ìnthkín/  ‘from him/her’
/ánnì-à ìnthkin/ ‘from them’
The locative, if required, is marked (i.e. when some personal pronouns function as the locus of some action of some verbs like ‘believe’, ‘having faith’ etc.) for all persons other than 1p plural by the genitive forms followed by post position /cu/ and locative marker {-ah} and both mean ‘on’. For 1p plural the accusative form / eini/ is used. For example :
/kà cúàh/ ‘in/for me’
/éinì cúàh/  ‘in/on us’
/ámà cúàh/ ‘on him/her’
/án/ánnì cúàh/ ‘on them’ Demonstrative Pronouns
The demonstrative pronouns in Hmar could be listed as under


/á/ ‘it’
/hí, hìhí, híehì/ ‘this’
/só, khá, khú, khí/ ‘that’


/híhaíhì, híehàihì/ ‘these’
/sóháis, shàis/ ‘those’
/khá:hàikhà, khúháikhà/
/khúohàikhù, khúháikhù/
/khíekhàikhì, khíháikhì/
‘those’ Demonstratives as Attributives
When the demonstrative pronouns occur attributively they show repetitive occurrence - once before the noun and then again after the noun.
/hí pén hì/ ‘this pen’
/hí lékhàbù hì/ ‘this book’







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