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This rule applies for all other tens. Thus ‘forty nine’ is /sòm-lí pàkúo/ [li < pali] (ten-four) + (nine). The following examples could be seen :
/pàkhàt/ ‘one’
/pàhnì/ ‘two’
/pàthúm/ ‘three’
/pàlí/ ‘four’
/pàá/ ‘five’
/pàrùk/ ‘six’
/pàsàri/ ‘seven’
/pàríet/ ‘eight’
/pàkúo/ ‘nine’
/sòm/ ‘ten’
/sòm pàkhàt/ ‘eleven’
/sòm pàkúo/ ‘nineteen’
/sòmhnì/ ‘twenty’
/sòmhnì pakhat/ ‘twenty one’
/sòmhnì pakúo/ ‘twenty nine’
/sòmthúm/ ‘thirty’
/sòmthúm pàkhàt/ ‘thirty one’
/sòmthúm pakúo/ ‘thirty nine’
/sòmlí/ ‘forty’
/sòmlì pàkhàt/ ‘forty one’
/sòmlì pàkúo/ ‘forty nine’
/sòmngá/ ‘fifty’
/sòmrùk/ ‘sixty’
/sòmsàrì/ ‘seventy’
/sòmríet/ ‘eighty’
/sòmkúo/ ‘ninty’
/sòmkúo pakúo/ ‘ninty nine’
/zà/ ‘hundred’
/sá:/ ‘thousand’
/núoi/ ‘lakh’
Word Order
When the cardinals occur as attributives to the nouns the just follow the nouns referred to. As noted before, in such cases, the nouns referred to need not be pluralised.
/làkhàbú/ ‘book’
/làkhàbú pàhnì/ ‘two books’
/cé:/ ‘rupee’
/cé: sóm/ ‘ten rupees’
/túisùnsùo/ ‘well’
/túisùnsùo pàá/ ‘five wells’
Reference made with ‘Definiteness’

When some nouns are required to be mentioned with ‘definiteness’ along with numerical reference, cardinals occur at the end of the phrase. For example:
/thá/ ‘tree’
/thá/ ‘the (stump of) free’
/thí sòm pàkúo/ ‘the (particular) nineteen trees’
/lèkhèbú/ ‘book’
/lèkhàbú cù/ ‘the book’
/lèkhèbu pàriéthài cù/ ‘the eight books’
It is also permissible to use /cù/ after the numeral.

When Case Reference is made
Cardinals, like nouns, can participate in case functions. The case suffix or the post position can occur directly after cardinals. The following examples could be seen:

/sòm-á ìnthkín pàlí éi (= we) pèicùn (=substract) paruk
(= six)
à úm/                        ‘subtracting four from ten we get six’

/pàá i thùm smpàá/ ‘five three times is fifteen’
àkúo pàthm-ín sém róh/ ‘divide nene by three’







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