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/hí míhrìem hì/ ‘this man’
/hí núhmèi hì/ ‘this girl’
/s: dó:r s/ ‘that shop’
/s: thí s/ ‘that tree’
/khá: pènsìl khà/ ‘that pensil’
/khá: pènsìl-hài khà/ ‘those pensils’
/híe pén-hèi hi/ ‘these pens’
/hiéi nùhmèité-hài hì/ ‘these girls’
/s d:r hái sò/ ‘those shops’
When they function as subject in equational sentences, and some nouns occur in the predicate slot, some definitive generally occur in between the repeated occurrence of the demonstrative pronouns in the subject slot. For example:
/hí (và) h pén ánìh/ ‘this is a pen’
/h thí hì á nìh/ ‘this is the tree’
/híe-hài-hì pén ánnìh/ ‘these are pens’
/híe-hài-hì lèkhàbú án nìh/ ‘these are books’
/sháis dr án nìh/ ‘those are shops’
/sháis thíán nìh/ ‘those are trees’
The demonstrative pronouns do not show any gender distinction nor do they mark any case manifestation. Interrogative and Relative Pronouns
The principal interrogative pronouns in Hmar could be listed as under :
/íem, ièám/ ‘what’
/tú:m, tù:ám/ ‘who’
/khó:m, khò:ám/ ‘which’
/khò:lá:m/ ‘where’
/ìetìká:m/ ‘when’
/ìeléiá, ìeléiám/ ‘why’
Plural marker, if required, could be added to the first two interrogative pronouns, i.e.
/ìe lèkhàbú-hài ám/ ‘which books’
/ìe naupa am/ ‘which boys’
The above interrogative pronouns can also function as relative pronouns.
/mihríem í zòpá: khà/  ‘the man whom you wanted’
/lekhabú ìmí pèk khà/ ‘the book which you had given me’
/kà hú thèin: ná sa$n cù/ ‘the reason why I could not come’
The relative and interrogative pronouns for all practical purposes function like third person personal pronouns. They make no gender reference.
3.2.4 Adjectives
Adjectives in Hmar are a close class of words that occur after nouns and describe some quality or characteristics or them. They are limited in number and one can’t go on adding new words to the list of adjectives. Given below are few examples:
/náupá há/ ‘good child’
/nùhmèi ílnéi/ ‘kind woman’
/pàsáltè mìtdél mìtìndél/ 'blind boy’
/árkh sèn/ ‘red cock’
/dí:l ìnthù:k/ ‘deep lake’
/lámpùi sèi/ ‘long road’
/vádú líen/ ‘big river’
/pà:r vá:r/ ‘white flower’
When a noun is used as an adjective it precedes the noun it qualifies. For example:







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