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The under mentioned cases are marked by suffixation as under:
Transitive Agent and Instrumental  {-in} ‘by
Insensitive Agent and Accusative {ø} ‘something’
Allative and Locative {-a(h)} ‘to/at’
Genitive {-ø,-a}  ‘of’
Thus, the core case relationships are ergative in character, i.e. the intransitive agent and the object have the same {-zero} realisation.
The under mentioned cases are marked periphrastically as under :
Ablative /à ìnthkín/ ‘from’
Dative /kùomàh/ ‘to’
We may look at the realisation of each case in some detail. Transitive Agent and Instrumental
The agent of a transitive verb and the instrumenal are realised alike. Both are marked by {-in} and this is suffixed to nounstems ending in either a vowel or a consonant

/sìtá:ín lèkhá á tìem/ ‘Sita reads (a) book’
/rá:m-ìn bù: à fá:k tàh/ ‘Ram ate rice’
/sái-ín mt kù à fá:k/ ‘elephants eat banana tree’
/rán-ín inzàk à hríet nh/ ‘animals can’t feet shame’
/vàté-ìn bù: án sèr/ ‘birds make nests’

/kùt-ín bú: kán fà:k/ ‘we eat rice by hands’
/b hrúi-ìn kán thlù/  ‘we tie cow with a rope’
/rán-ín/ ‘by the animal’ or ‘animals’
/vàté-ìn/ ‘by the bird’ or ‘birds’
/rán-ín hnúoi éi ìnlèt/  ‘we plough with animals’ Intransitive Agent and Accusative
The agent of an intransitive verb and the accusative have the same manifestation; that is, both are marked by {-zero}. Since both do not occur together in a sentence there is the least chance of confusion.

/sìtá-Ø án tàh/ ‘Sita sat’
/rám-Ø á fè tàh/  ‘Ram went’
/sàkéi-Ø à ín tàh/ ‘the tiger is asleep’

/rám-ìn bù-Ø à fá:k tàh/ ‘Ram ate food’
/kè:l-Ø kà vá:l/ ‘I rear goats’
/pùlís-ìn rú:krù-Ø à vúok/ ‘Police beats the thief’
/khòp-ín à:m-Ø à hriet nh/ ‘a well-fed (person) does not know (pain of) hunger’
Even when any animate noun appears as an object of some action, it behaves like an inanimate object and obtains {-zero} realisation. Allative and Locative
The destination of some verb of motion and the locus of action of the verb have the same manifestation. Both are overtly marked by {-as} with optional deletion {-h}


/ínà ìnthkín sìkúl-àh/ ‘from home to school’
/sìtá háfl-àh á fè tàh/ ‘Sita went to Haflong’


/ín-àh bùfá:i à úm nh/ ‘there is no rice at home’
/pisì kùt-áh ká nèi nh/ ‘I have no money on hands’
/uádú-áh túi à úm nh/ ‘there is no water in the river’
/kà ín nlbárí-àh à úm./ ‘my home is in Nalbari’







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