present description of the Brokskat language is primarily
based on the speech of Mr. Gulam Rahim and it was checked
with the speech of M/s. Mohamad Isa, Mohamad Toha and Sring
Phel. Some additional data were carried from M/s. Sunam Punchoks,
Gang Sring and Hassan. I am thankful to all these language
consultants for their help and ao operation.
My thanks are due to Mr.Noor Mohammad, Planning Commissioner,
Mr. P.A. Sharma,Under Secretary for Ladakh Affairs of Jammu
And Kashmir Government and other officials of the Ladakh District
for their cooperation and help to do the field work in Ladakh
would express my thanks to my friends Mr. Iqbal,B.Sc, State
Bank Of India, Kargiland Mr.Hameed Tanveer, B.A.,B.Ed., who
made my stay a pleasant one in the field.
I am greatful toDr.D.P.Pattanayak, Director, Central Institute
of Indian Languages, for his encouragement and guidance throughout
this work.
am greatful to Dr. E.Annamalai, Professor-cum-Deputy Director,
Central Institute of Indian Languages, for his guidance and
comments on the earlier version of the manuscript. I am thankful
to Dr.H.S.Biligiri, former Peputy Director, Central Institute
of Indian Languages, who supervised the work in its early
I am thankful to my colleagues, Dr.K.Rangan and Dr.B.B.Rajapurohit,
who helped me in the analysis of the datd aand to Mr.M.Ananda
Raj for the help in the preparation of the press copy.
thank MR.N.H.Itagi for the preparation of the map of Brokp
I thank Mr.V.Gopal, for the next typing of the press copy
on the IBM Electronic Composer. I am thankful to Mr.H.L.N.Bharti
of the publication unit and staff of the press of Central
Institute of Indian Languages, who saw the Grammar through
the press.