The Place of Brokskat in the Dardic Group |
Dardic languages belong to the Indian branch of the Indo-Iranian
languages. Since they are Similar to the Indo-Aryan languages in
some respects and to the Iranian languages in some other Respects
they are considered to be a separate sub-family within the Indo-Aryan
languages. This subgroup consists of three groups of languages:
1. |
Ka:fir group |
2. |
wa:r group |
3. |
Dardic group |
Kashmiri and Kohista ni belong to the Dardic group. The Shina
languages are spoken in Gilgit, Gurez, Chilas, Kargil, Dras,
the Indus valley and Swat Kohistan. Gilgiti is the oldest member
of all the Shina languages though it is mixed with Burushaski
words in the earlier period and with Kashmiri words in the later
period (L.S.I. Vol.VIII :Part II). According to Grahame Bailey,
Gilgit is the real home of Shina language and there it is spoken
with the greatest purity. Kashmiri, the only literary language
of the Dardic group is spoken in the Kashmir varlley and other
valleys around it. Ko:hista is spoken in the Indus valley and
Swat kohista:n. Ko :hista :ni has heavily borrowed from Pashto
which belongs to the eastern branch of the Iranian family, and
so is very different from other Dardic languages.
is a name for a group of dialects or languages comprising the following: |
1. |
Gilgiti or the dialect of Gilgit valley. |
2. |
Astori or the dialect of Astor valley. |
3. |
Chilasi or the dialect of Chilas valley. |
4. |
Gurezi or the dialect of Gurez valley. |
5. |
Brokpa of Dras or the dialect of Dras valley. This is now called Shina. |
6. |
Brokskat. |
these dialects or languages of shina, the first three dialects or
languages, viz.,Gilgiti, Astori and Chilasi are now spoken in Pakistan
and other three dialects or languages, via., Guresi, Shina of Dras
and Brokskat are spoken in India.