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16 D + P + B + A akhčnocFé kini `hundred and twelve’
17 D + P + C + A akhčnomuku kini `hundred and twentytwo’
18 D + P + B x A + A akhčno lhobdģ kini `hundred and forty two’
19 D x A + P + A akhčkinino lakhģ `two hundred and one’
20 D x A + P + B akhčkini no c `two hundred and ten’
21 D x A + P + C akhč kinino muku `two hundred and twenty’
22 D x A + P + B x A akhč kinino lhobdģ `two hundred and forty’
23 D x A + P + B + A akhč kinino cFé kini `two hundred and twelve’
24 D x A + P + C + A akhč kinino muku kini `two hundred and twenty two’
25 D x A + P + B x A +A akhč kinino lhobdģ kini `two hundred and forty two’
26 D x B + (A) + P+A khčtonhe (lakhģ) no lakhģ `one thousand and one’
27 D x B + A + P + B khčtonhe lakhģ no cöFé `one thousand and ten’
28 D x B x A + P + C khčtonhe khģno muku `one thousand and twenty’
29 D x B x A + P + B x A khčtonhe lakhģno lhobdģ `one thousand and forty’
30 D x B x A + P x B + A khčtonhe lakhģno cFé kini `one thousand and twelve’
31 D x B x A + P + C + A khčtonhe lakhģno muku kini `one thousand and twenty two’
32 D x B x A + P + B +A + A khčtonhelakhģno lhobdģ kini `one thousand and forty two’
33 D x B x A + D + P + A khčtonhe lakhģ akhč lhobdģ kini `one thousand and one hundred and forty two’
(b) 1       D x B x A + P + D khčtonhe lakhģ no akhč `one thousand and one hundred’
  2       D x B + A + P + D x A khčtonhe lakhģ no akhé kini `one thousand and two hundred’ Ordinals
The ordinal numerals can be obtained by suffixing the ordinal marker/ */ to the cardinal vowel concerned. However in all such instances, the pronominal prefix /a/ would be prefixed to the numeral concerned, as in :

lakhģ `one’ atiFś `first’
kini `two’ akiniś `second’
kth `three’ akthś `third’
bidģ `four’ abidģś `fourth’
c `ten’ acFčś `tenth’
akhč `one hundred' akhčś `one hundredth’ etc. Fraction
Ordinarily fractions are not made use of by this community. The word for `half’ taxa is the only fraction available in this language. When this fraction co-occurs with a full number, it is post-posed to the full number, as in :

lakhģ taxa `one and a half’

One could express the other fractions in a circuitous manner, for instance,

saze bidģlo saze lakhģ `one quarter’ (lit. share four in share one)
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

and a compound fraction would be:

kth saze bidģ lo saze lakhģ `one and a quarter’
kth saze bidģ lo saze kģth `one and a three quarter’ etc.

Any fraction whether of a simple one or of a compound one could be expressed in this manner. Positional variants of the numerals
1. The numeral lakhģ `one’ has four allomorphs. These are
(i) tF occurring before the ordinal marker







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