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The numerals from 441 to 99 except the multiples of ten show this type of relationship amongst their constituents.
(iv) The constituents may be connected by the particles no `and’ In such a construction, each of the constituents may in turn enter into different relationships mentioned in column (i) and (ii) above, as in :
akh   `hundred’   no   `and’     lakh¸ģ     `onč     akhénolakh¸ģ      `one hundred and one’
akhč `hundred’   no   `and’     cöFé  `ten’ +   lakh¸ģ    `one’   akhčno  cFé lakhģ    `one hundred and eleven.
akhč `hundred’ x kini `two’  no   and  cöFé `ten’ + lakhģ `one’ akhčkinino cFé lakhģ `two hundred and eleven.
The numerals from 101 to 9999 except the multiples of 100 upto 1000 show this type of relationship amongst their constituents. The place of the particle no `and’ however differs, for instance,
(a) In the case of numerals upto 999, it occurs after the place of hundreds, as in :

akhčnomuku `one hundred and twenty’
akhčno cFé lakhģ `one hundred and eleven’ etc.

(b) In the case of numerals beyond one thousand, the particle no `and’ occurs after the place of thousand provided
(a) The place of tens and units have zeros or
(b) The place of hundred has a zero, as in :

khčthonhe lakhģ no akhč lakhģ `one thousand one hundred’
khčthonhe lakhģ no lakhģ `one thousand and one’
khčthonhe lakhģnoc `one thousand and ten’

(c) If the place of tens and units have any numeral, the particle no `and’ occurs after the place of hundreds, as in :

khčtonhe lakhģ akh č noc `one thousand one hundred and ten’
khčtonhe lakhģ akhč lakhģ `one thousand one hundred and eleven’
no cFé khakhģ

The relationship of the various constituents forming a numeral in Sema may be formalized as follows :

    { B        }  
(a) D x B X (A) + D x (A) + P + { C        } +A
    { B X A  }  

(b) D x B x A+P+Dx(A)
The limitation in the use of these formula are :
(a) P cannot occur without at least one item preceding and following i.e., there must be atleast one item on both sides of P and
(b) While the items on either the left or the right side of P can occur alone without the P, the use of P, however, is obligatory if the items on both sides of P occur.
(c) In the formula D x B x (A), A can be deleted only if D and B occur alone, but when in construction with P, it is obligatory to have D X B X A.
The above would give rise to a total of 35 types of numeral constructions which are stated below.

(a) 1 A alone1 kini `two’
  2 B alone c `ten’
  3 C alone muku `twenty’
  4 D alone akhč `hundred’
  5 B X A lhobdģ `forty’
  6 B + A cFékini `twelve’
  7 C+A muku kini `twenty-two’
  8 B X A + A lhobdģ kini `forty two’
  9 D X A akhč kini `two hundred’
  10 D X B khčtonhe `thousand’s
  11 D+B+A khčtonhe kini `two thousand’
  12 D+P+A akhčno lakhģ `hundred and one’
  13 D+P+B akhčno c `hundred and ten’
  14 D+P+C akhčno muku `hundred and twenty’s
  15 DXP+BXA akhčno ihobdģ `hundred and forty’

1. The value of A, B, C, D are as under :
A = any numeral from 1 to 9
B = ten ;
C = twenty or thirty;
D = hundred;
P = particle no `and’.







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