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The pertinent features found with each of these classes are mentioned below.1

Inanimates + PP1 +adj1   + Adj3
Human non-professional + PP2 +Adj2 + Adj4 + possessor
Human professional + PP2 + Adj2 + Adj4 + G1
Animate NH vegetation + PP2 + Adj2 + Adj3  
Animate NH animal horn + PP2 +Adj2 +Adj3 + G2a
Animate NH animal hornless + PP2 +Adj2 +Adj3 + G2b
Animate NH birds + PP2 + Adj2 + Adj3 + G2c

3.2.2. Pronouns
The pronouns in Sema form a sub-class of nominal. The pronouns differ from the nouns in that whereas the pronouns are capable of showing a three-way opposition in person2 and another three-way opposition in number, the nouns are incapable of showing any opposition in person and ordinarily show only a two-way opposition in number, for instance,

  Singular dual plural
I ni ikuzo ni´ł
you no okuzo no´ł

1.    The full form of the abbreviation used:
PP1    =    postpositions lono `from’ lo `to/towards/in’
PP2    =    postpositions lawno `from’ law `to/towards’
Adj1   =    akaw `old kötla/aFlo `little’
Adj2   =    kicmi `old’, kuFuno `little’
Adj3   =   kiześ `big’
Adj4   =   akieyu `big’
G1     =   common, masculine and feminine gender (all marked overtly)
G2a   =    four genders, - common (unmarked) masculine, cö ¸, feminine with issue qu, feminine virgin li
G2b   =    four genders - common (unmarked) masculine li feminine with issue qu, feminine virgin qś /nģ
G2c   =    four genders - common (unmarked) masculine du, female (laid eggs) qu feminine (virgin - ü ¸
2. The opposition in number is made through different lexical items and not through any inflection of the personal pronouns.

  Singular dual plural
he pa pama panó´ł
she li pama panó´ł
it hi    

Like the nouns, the pronouns also show the case relationships and take particles and postpositions, as in:

pano he (nominative)
pahu he (the particular)
palaw to him etc.  

Though the pronouns function as replacements for co-referential noun phrases, the pronouns are neither inflected for gender nor have any gender markers. The nouns referring to the male/female beings within the human being class of nouns, however have two different pronouns, viz., pa `he’ and li `she’as co-referential substitues, while all other nouns including the animate non-human being class of nouns have hi `it as replacive, for instance :

Saluwi śwe, paye isi śwe `saluvi went, he went today’
hatoli śwe, liye isi śwe `hatoli went, she went today’
acöno śwe, hiye isi śwe `the dog went, it went today’

The forms pa `he’ li `she’ and hi `it’ are designated respectively as third person masculine singulr personal pronoun, third person feminine singular personal pronoun, and third person non-human singular personal pronoun.
The opposition between the masculine and feminine third person personal pronoun is neutralized in the dual and plural and a single form, i.e., the form used for the masculine singular with the appropriate number suffixes is used to refer to both male and female beings in the dual and plural number, as in :

hotoli eno ekli iFino iFi eno pama isi śwe
Hatoli and Ekili` came yesterday and tey went today’

It could therefore be stated that as far as the pronouns are concerned, the gender is not a grammatical category in Sema except for the III person singular pronouns where they are gender-sensitive in that pa `he’ and li `she’ substitute respectively the human beings class of nouns referring to the male and female beings and hi `it’ substitutes all other nouns, including the nouns referring to the male and female animals.
1. Both Hatoli and Ekili are proper names given to the female children.







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