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(v) The back and open vowels viz., u.e.a. can occur in V1 position with all the vowels except the close central vowel which does not occur in V2 position.
(vi) The front and central close vowels viz. i, ö can occur in V1 position with all the vowels except the close central vowel and the back half-open vowel.
(viii) The front half-open vowel viz. e and occur in V1 position with all the other vowels except the central close vowel.
These statements are presented below in charts.
(a) The vowels in V1 position having the privilege of occurring with different vowels in V2 position.

(b) The vowels in V2 position having the privilege of occurring with different vowel in V1 position.


The illustrative examples of the occurrence of different possible vowel clusters are given below:
(i) V1 V1 sequences. The vowels that coudl from this type of clusters are: i, u, o, a.

ii ciili `earth quake’
  sakii `scold’
uu kuśthģ `kidney beans’
  aguś `a bee’

oo wooto `to arrive’
aa `to call a person’
  aa `place’

(ii) The vowels in V1 position with the privilege of occurring with different vowels in V2 position. All the vowels can occur in V1 position
(a) u + (i, e, a, o, u)

ui yeuic silent chui `metal’
ue     cśe `ate’
ua zualo `to resemble another person ithulua `was seeing
uo akuoci `necklace’ kusśo `long’
uu kuśthģ `kidney beans akuu `ginger’

(b) a + (i, e, a, u)

ai khailo `to shut in’ Fikai `silver’
ae     mlae `could not’
aa aalķmģ `land lady’ aa `place’
au kkaua `princess’ au `hand’

(c) o + (i, e, a, o, u)

oi oiso `to continue to live toi `resembling anything’
oe     soe `difficult’
oa moayesa `must’ akunca `address’
oo     wooto `to arrive’
ou     tuchóu `male nurse’

(d)     i + (i, u, e, a)

ii ciili `earthquake sakii `scold’
iu     thķu `behind’
ie     pie `show’
ia pialo continue to tell khania `seldom’

(e)     ö + (u, i, e, a)

u     pzu `previous’
i vipu `syringe’ iniköi `does heed’







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