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e     ze `slept (uncertain)
a msamo `fearless’ pa `keep’

(f) e + (i, u, o, a)

ei     kamei `postage’
eu weceulo `go through’ aqeś `servant’
eo     ileo `retire’
ea lizeame `market place’ pea `possess’

(iii) The vowels in V2 position with the privilege of occurring with different vowels in V1 position. Excepting ö all vowels can occur in V2 position.
(g) (u, ö, i, e, a, o) + a

ua zualo `to resemble    another person’ ithulua `was seeing’
a msamo `fearless’ pöa `keep’
ia pialo `continue to speak’ aFamia `hell’
ea lizeme `market place’ pea `possess’
aa aalķmģ `land lady’ aa `place’
oa unoalaw `more over’ akunoa `address’

(h) (u, ö, i, e, a, o) + i

ui ueuic `silent’ chui `metal’
i kha `dissolve’ iniki `does not heed’
ii ciili `earthquake’ nonii `damp’
ei     kamei `postage’
oi oiso `to continue to live’ oi `to draw attention’

(i) (i, ö, i, e, a, o) + u

uu kuuthi `kidney beans’ atuu `boar’
u zuwele `sleep (request)’ zu `before’
iu     thiś `behind’
eu weceulo `go through’ hekboden `despair’
ou     tuchÓu `male nurse’

(j) (u, ö, i, o) + e

ue cśe `ate’
*e ze `slept (uncertain)
ie hephopie `describe’
oe soe `difficult’
ae mlae `could not’

(i) (u, o, e, a,) + o

uo akuoci `necklace’ kusśo `long’
oo wooto `to arrive’    
eo     ileo `retire’

From the examples of the vowel clusters given above could be seen that certain vowel clusters do not occur in this medial position. These are:
(i) e in V2 position does not occur after any vowel
(ii) e in V1 position does not occur before i, o, a,
(iii) u in V2 position does not occur after i, o,
(iv) a in V1 position does not occur before a, o, though cluster is available in word-initial and word final position.
(v) a cluster of oo does not occur in word-final position. These in brief are the phonotactics of Sema.
Respiration is the basis of Syllable. The Syllable producing movement of the respiratory muscles has been called a chest pulse because the inter coastal muscles in the chest are responsible for it. At least one such movement must be involved in whatever is said. At least one such movement must be involved in whatever expels a small amount of air from the lungs. This air escapes in a relatively free and unrestricted passage and it is in this movement of the least restriction in the sequence of movements that makes up the syllable, that is vowel. The vowel carries the chest pulse. Thus a syllable is essentially a movement of the speech organs and not a characteristic feature of the speech sound, though in a given language, the sounds will contain clues to the occurrence of the syllable producing movement.







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