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(b) y + (p, t, k, s, z, F, l,w)

yp aypu `needle’
yt aytu `gravel’
yk ayko `skin’
ys aysahu `nail’
yz ayz `pond’
yF sayF `to fetch some one’
yl ayliqu `buffalo’
yw seywö `beatle’

7. Sequences having h in C2 position :
(p, t, c, k, q, m, n, l) + h

ph aphe `lungs’
th atha `fat’
ch ach `a thread ball’
kh akhu `plate’
qh aqhu `samber’
mh amho `feather’
nh anha `mucus’
lh alhe `packet of food’

8. Sequences having in C2 position :
(p, k, g, n, s, l, w, y) + y

py acipyu `acquit’
ky cekyompe `coming year’
gy thogyś `tomorrow’
ny akinyu `day after tomorrow’
sy kepusya `could have’
ly klalyś `bride’
wy aFįwye `the bird’
yy ayyepś `star’

9. Miscellaneous :

rs. Khursi `horse’

It may be mentioned here that while staing the occurrences of different sequences available in Sema, no effort is made to distinguish between the sequences, occurring within a morph and at the morph/word boundary. What is pertinent to note here is that the citation form of almost the entire nouns in Sema language begins with the pronominal clitic a. Whenever a noun follows without pause another morph/word, the pronominal clitic a drops out automatically with the result that at the morph/word boundary one could have sequences that otherwise do not occur in the language, for instance.
azah `law’     +        azekha `Penal’
azahzekha              `penal code’
Instances of such combinations are avoided here.
Sequences of Vowels
It was already mentioned that sequences of vowels are permissible in Sema language. The largest number of vowels that can form a sequence is two. These also include a sequence of v1 v1. It is however, to be noted that a sequence of V1 V1 is not a mere lengthening of V1 (i.e., phonetic length being considered as a sequence of two vowels at the phonemic level) but two different occurrences of V1 and in this it is possible to have two different tones on the two vowels forming the sequence of V1 V1 for instance,

akuś `call a person’
nonģķ `damp’
ciili `earth quake’
aa `place’
`to call a person’

There are certain restrictions/limitations in the occurrences of V1 V1/V1 V2 clusters in Sema.
These are stated below :
(i) A sequence of V1 V1 is permissable with all vowels except the front half-open and the central vowels.
(ii) The close central vowel ö, does not occur in V2 position.
(iii) Only the back and the front close vowels (i.e., u.i.) and the open vowel (i.e. a) can occur in V2 position with all the vowels including themselves.
(iv) The back half-close vowel viz. o can occur in V2 position with itself and also with its counter parts in close and front positions (i.e., u, e) and also with the open vowel a but the front half- close vowel in V2 position can occur only with its counterpart in the back position and with the close vowels.







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