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(d) the other stops viz., b, q, c, show only one occurrence each and d none:

bd thobdģ `forty’
gy thogyś `tomorrow’
cl tucle `resist’

3.     Sequence having a fricative as the first element :
(a)     s + (p, t, d, l, y)

sp yespa `paper’
st asta `wood knife’
sd hasdś `gander’
sl aslu `log’
sy kepusya `could have’

(b)     z + (b, l)

  zb azbo `water closet’
  zl azlaqo `coat’
(c) xs axsa `shore’

The remaining fricatives do not form sequence with any consonants.
4. Sequences having a nasal in C1 position:
(a)      m + (p, t, c, k, q, b, n, s, x, h, z, F, l)

mp kmpa `grey’
mt amti `spit (n)’
me kmcį `as soon as’
mk zmk `coast’
mq kumqo `gather’
mb ambeti `lamp’
mn axamnu `flower’
ms bamsa `coward’
mx homxa `circle (v)’
mh amhe `feather’
mz kmz `Chair’
mF amFa `toy’
ml akmla `work’

(b)      n + (t, d, m, h, z, y)

nt chśnto `lime stone’
nd pindi `ladies finger’
nm énmą `certainly’
nh anha `mucus’
ny akinyu `day after tomorrow’

(c)      + (k, d, g, m, n, s, z)

k ake `have’
d akdo `keep time rhyming (n)’
g a `nose’
m omuo `apple’
n kmeuno `especially’
s a `tiger’
z anethimuz `cataract’

5. Sequences having a lateral in the initial position:
                    l + (p, t, c, k, q, d, z, y)

lp zlp `mercury’
lt balti `bucket’
lc belca `showel’
lk alkosi `ham’
lq alqu `falcon’
ld mildo `mile’
lz lhlzu `to open for seeing’
ly klalyś `bride’

6. Sequences having an approximant in the C1 position:
(a)        w + (k, d, m, n, w, y)

wk awkz `sleeve’
wd awdś `cock’
wm khawmiyi `mosquito’
wn awne `yellow’
ww lawwu `west’
wy aFįwye `the bird’







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