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5.      Clusters ending in ķ i.e. (ms, kh, km) + 1

msl kmslu `remember’
khl akhl `heart’
kml akmla `deed’

6.      (qm, sp, xt, Ft, nt, nc, wn) + h

qmh aqmho `grave yard’
sph aspha `cotton’
xth axthģ `sprout’
Fth koFthe `part with (n)’
nth minthFa `black hornet’
nch pinchi `fill’
wnh awnhč `spice’

7.      Cluster ending in -ly i.e. (k, n, s) + ly

kly capli kiklyś `money changer’
nly punlyś `midwife’
sly mislyś `pregnant woman’

8.      Clusters ending in -y but not ending in -ly

sny khuwasny `rain’
nky wenkyé `What’?
ksy atiksyś `niece’

9.       miscellaneous sequence :

ks kheks `cloud’
thy tithyu `then’

When compared with the pre-vocalic position, the occurrences of the sequences of two consonants in inter-vocal position is nearly double. These include all the consonants in C1 position forming sequences with much larger number of consonants than was permissible in the pre-vocalic position. As in the case of pre-vocalic position, m has the maximum distribution in the intervocalic position also. In addition, the intervocalic position has also C1 C2 sequences which were not available in the prevocalic position. For the sake of convenience, the clusters occurring in the intervocalic position are also subdivided into nine types. The occurrences of these are stated below.
1. Geminated consonants.
Only five consonants form the sequence of C1 C1. These consonants are : d, s, l, w, y:

-dd- idda `awake’
ss yessaw `pilot’
ll apullo `choice’
ww awwe `forest’
yy ayyepś `star’

2. C1 C2 sequences having stops in C2 position.
(a)        P + (t, c, k, n, s, h, l, w, y)

pt kptimģ `male’
pc apca `must’
pk kpkamģ `theif’
pn sipna `disturb’
ps apso `hot’
ph aphe `lungs’
pl capli kiklyś `money changes’
pw kpupwu `import (v)’
py acipyu `acquit’

(b)        t + (l, n, h)

tl kitla `some’
tn atna `couple’
th atha `fat’

(c)        k + (t, c, d, n, s, h, z, F, l, w, y)

kt doktor `doctor’
kc ako `head’
kd mekda `plaster’
kn aknu `laughing
ks aks `stick’
kh akhu `plate’
kz zukza `from’
kF wekFise `multiply’
kl aklu `lantern’
kw aikwate `encourage’
ky cekyompe `coming year’







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