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[n] [na] /na/ `borrow’
  [nha] /nha/ `close (dish only)’
  [no] /no/ `you’
  [nu] /nu/ `laugh’
  [nhu] /nhu/ `to pull out from the root’
  [^>na] /ana/ `cooked rice’
  [^nha] /anha/ `mucus’
  [^nu] /anu/ `child’
  [^nhu] /anhu/ `artiery’

/n/. It is an unaspirated voiced velar nasal. Unlike the other nasals in the Sema. /*/, does not have an aspirated counterpart even at the phonetic level. It does not have any positional variant either. This phoneme has a defective distribution in that, it does not occur before front vowels and in the word-final position. Given below are a few words illustrating the occurrence of this phoneme.

[´] [o] /o/ `rest, stop’
[nosali] /osali/ `sugar’
[uvi] /uwi/ `health’
[^ńi´u] /aniu/ `hyena’
[puu] /puu/ `five’
[a^>ś] /asś/ `tiger’
[a^a] /aa/ `daughter’

Unvoiced Fricatives
The unvoiced fricatives in Sema show a four-way opposition in the place of articulation. These are labio-dental, dental, velar and glottal. For the sake of pattern congruity, the labiodental fricative is placed in the place of the bilabial. Given below is a description of individual unvoiced fricatives.
/f/ is an voiced labio-dental fricative. It occurs only before the back vowels. The language has also a voiced labiodental phone with slight friction. It occurs before the front and the central vowels. Since [f] and [v] are in complementary distribution, the two could have been grouped together to form a single labio-dental fricative. This, however, is not done because (i) [v] is in multiple complementation with [f] and [w] and hence could be grouped with either of them and (ii) out of the consideration for the strong views of the Sema community who are very particular in retaining f as a distinct is grouped with /w/ and /f/ is given phonemic status. (For the grouping of [v] with [w], please refer p.319.
/f/. It does not have any perceptible positional variant. The functional load of this phoneme is extremely low. It occurs in a very few words in the entire vocabulary and that too only before back vowels. Given below are a few words to illustrate the occurrence of this phoneme.

[f] [fu] /fu/ `blow’
[fś] /fś/ `cook’
[fulo] /fulo/ `hook’
[^fo] /afo/ `elder sister’
[^fuko] /afuko/ `trumpet’

 /s/. It is an unvoiced dental fricative. [s&], the palatal fricative occurs before non-central vowels as a positional variant of this phoneme. This phoneme does not occur in the word-final position. Given below are a few words to illustrate the occurrence of the phoneme.

[] [s] /so/ `hard’
[i] /si/ `do’
[e] /se/ `praise’
[^W] /aso/ `bread’
[^ś] /asś/ `spike’
[^e] /ase/ `margin’
[s] [sa] /sa/ `sector’
[s] /s/ `sickness’
[^s] /as/ `wood’
[ms] /ms/ `suck’
[^są] /asą/ `hair’
[^sį] /asį/ `cooked meat’

/x/. It is an unvoiced glottal fricative. It does not have any perceptible positional variant. It does not occur in the word-final position. given below are a few illustrative words showing the occurrence of this phoneme.

[x] [xe] /xe/ `pounding’
[xW] /xo/ `pluck’
[xu] /xu/ `slow’
[^xu] /axu/ `rafter’
[^xa] /axa/ `crop’
[^xi] /axi/ `particles of paddy'







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