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/h/. It is an unvoiced glottal fricative. The aspiration occurring with certain classes of consonants is considered as positional variant of /h/. The aspiration occurs after the unvoiced stops, the affricate, the nasals and the lateral. In other environments [h] occurs. This phoneme does not occur in word-final position. Given below are a few words to illustrative the occurrence of this phoneme.

[h] [h] /ho/ `dig’
  [hi] /hi/ `take out’
  [hu] /hu/ `go’
  [hś] /hś/ `hunt’
  [^huu] /ahuu/ `upper side’
  [kha] /köha/ `not available’
[h] [phi] /phi/ `read’
  [^phe] /aphe/ `lung’
  [thį] /tha/ `ignore’
  [kth Ū] /kö¶h¶ö Ū/ `three’
  [kha] /kha/ `shut’
  [qhu] /qhu/ `love’
  [^qho] /aqho/ `basket’
  [chw] /chö/ `tie’
  [^chamFa] /acamFa/ `handicraft’
  [mho] /mho/ `dull weather’
  [^mhi] /amhi/ `feather’
  [nhu] /nhu/ `to pull out from the root’
  [tho] /tho/ `create’
  [^thi] /athi/ `a business deal’

Voiced Fricatives
Whereas the unvoiced fricatives show a four-way opposition in the place of articulation, the voiced fricatives show only a two-way opposition in the place of articulation. The voiced fricatives available are: the dental and velar ones. The labio-dental and the glottal fricatives do not have their voiced counterparts. Given below is a description of the individual voiced fricatives
/z/. It is a voiced dental fricative. It has three positional variants. There are:
(i)       [z&], a voiced palatal fricative which occurs before /u, i, e
(ii)      [j], a voiced palatal affricative which occurs before /o/, and
(iii)      [z] occurs before central vowels.
In the production of [j], the contact between the mid of the tongue and the hard palate is very minimal. It is, therefore, very difficult and differentiate between [j] and [*] before /e/ and /i/. This phoneme does not occur in the word-final position. Given below are a few words to illustrate the occurrence of this phoneme.

[] [e] /ze/ `sell’
  [] /zo/ `sweep’
  [z&ł] /zł/ `see’
  [^e] /aze/ `name’
  [^u] /azu/ `colour’
[j] [loji] /lozi/ `feed’
  [^lojipu] /alojipu/ `a girl friend boy’
[z] [za] /za/ `speak’
  [z] /z/ `sleep’
  [^z] /az/ `water’
  [khezą] /khezą/ `flirt’

/F/. It is a voiced velar fricative. It does not have any perceptible positional variant. It does not occur in the word-final position. Given below are a few words to illustrate the occurrence of this phoneme.

[] [a] /a/ `expose’
  [] /o/ `wrap’
  [u] /u/ `rain’
  [] /i/ `laying the foundation for weaving’
  [i] /i/ `also’
  [^a] /ai/ `jungle’
  [^i] /ai/ `bone’
  [^] /ao/ `write’
  [^u] /au/ `a pulse of milet family’







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