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pluck all the pumpkin and carry home for putting them in the barn”. And the two sisters acted as per his instructions.
He asked them to listen to what will happen in the barn. They did not sleep and was observing the barn. But nothing happened that night. Next morning licapa told that they did not bring all the pumpkins in the barn. Then the two sisters replied that since they could not carry all of them one small one was thrown away on the way side. He asked them to bring that and put in the barn. And added if they had told the truth, something would have happened in the previous night. That night, the pumpkin which they put last in the barn burst out saying that `I am atökö (a dwarf variety of rice). All the other pumpkins said their names one by one. All the pumpkins burst out and became rice grains and the barn was full of rice. After that people used to sow seeds of rice grain from that day till now. They also began to worship him.

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B.C. Allen 1902 Naga Hills and Manipur, Shillong.
Major V.K. Anand 1967 Anagaland in Transition, New Delhi
Alemchiba Ao 1970 An Historical Account of Nagaland, Kohima.
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Directorate of Information
Publicity and Tourism
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Ursula Graham 1952 Naga Path, London.
G.A. Grierson 1903 Linguistic Survey of India, Vol. I Part I Introductory, Calcutta.
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C.Von Füer Haimendorf 1939 The Naked Nagas, London.
C.Von Füer Haimendrof 1969 Konyak Nagas, New York.
C.F. Hockett 1955 Manual of Phonology, Bloomington.
C.F. Hockett 1958 A course in Modern Linguistics, New York(Indian reprint 1970).
J.H. Hutton 1966 Rudimentary Grammary of the Sema Naga,Shillong, 1966.
J.H. Hutton 1921/1968 The Angami Nagas, London (reprinted in Bombay 1968).
J.H. Hutton 1921/1968 The Sema Nagas, London (reprinted in Bombay 1968).
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P. Ladefoged 1973 Preliminaries to linguistic phonetics, Chicago.
R.W. Langacker 1968 Language and its structure, New York.







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