hú ì
ne´u somhi. k ms
húno khú nolu kyá? tipanolu hú ì
khec somhi k mc ipi
kicece oabalo ahu´úli
lakhì no kice kithi-kha pi.
a e úli
tipaw khunulu kya pi kelo a a
aityúno pe. “ifo ikuzo he´ulike ipepi. tile hino
licapano alu húpaw. a asú
p i
anise p i
peni ipipi. eno pam a
as nipú wilo
okuzaye sohuköba xapuwo ale silo” ipipi. ike licapano
pi kew toy pamano alesi akeloye timino pama acinip´ú
zukù acepi.
siluwe k mca licapano
i ino pama wilo
okuzoye ahé´u xopuwo alelo s lo
ipi. eno puo s khalù
kemca licapano i eno
pama kilo itiziye okuzu z keweno
ini álò. ikemù kùmo simowe pe. te e´uno
licapano thanaw pama ac nipú
wilo ok zoye akuzopú
puwó simono aphi ipi. ike pamono pumlawe ke u´uno
aheúti lakhi ikhi ipe alaphilo wes we
keúthono akhucopu pukhawe ipi. ike licapano tipaw peo siwelo
ipi pama wilopi eno pamano tisiwe. tithe thóhúye ahenútì
pa ino. niat k
ipino m pa. ipe i
kemca, ahe ú
ak cópú
p t ta
zèpì ni káthi i
nì thisori no mathaphè. ni c n i
“ipi” m pale
khawe pike. eno athino ale ciloiwe pi.ike tipathyúno a i
piti zeli pe alulo xus no
alu cìcú ituwe pike. |
day Licapa visited a village and wanted to lodge with the
village chief. But he had wounds all over his body. So none
of the villagers liked him and no one talked to him.
Therefore he went to a small house where two orphen sisters
lived. The two sisters had no rice or other eatables with
them. But when he visited them, they gladly received him in
their house. Then he asked the two sisters to cook curry,
meat and rice and also to prepare wine. The younger one said
to him, `we do not have rice, meat or wine’. To this
he replied that he brought them with him. He took rice from
his elbow, meat from his knee and wine from his tigh and gave
them to prepare. The three together ate the food.
In the following morning, he took the two sisters to the outskirts
of the village and asked them whose field was that one. They
replied that was such and such a person’s field; Then
that one. They cursed themselves and said that field also
belongs to others. At last on the out skirts, there was a
small field where only pumpkin was sown. They replied that
field was theirs.
Thereupon he took them there and instructed as follows ‘my
sisters, you build a big barn with its posts fabricated at
the end and |