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John Lyons 1967 Introduction to theoretical Linguistics, Cambridge.
G.E. Marrison 1967 The classification of the Naga Languages of the North-eastern India. (in two volumes-unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, London).
E.A. Nida 1949 Morphology, Michigan.
E.A. Nida 1966 A synopsis of English Syntax, The Hague.
K.L. Pike 1968 Phonemics, Ann Arobor.
Randolph quirk and Sidney Greenbaum. 1973 A University Grammar of English, London.
M.V. Sreedhar 1974 Naga Pidgin : A socio-linguistic study of inter-lingual communication pattern in Nagaland, Mysore.
M.V. Sreedhar 1976 Sema Phonetic Reader, Mysore.
M.V. Sreedhar   Sema-English-Hindi Dictionary Mysore, (forthcoming).
P.D. Straccy 1968 Nagaland Nightmare, Bangalore.

N.L. Bor and J.H. Hutton : 1923, `The Use of Tones in Sema Naga’,
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society : pp. 103-109.
N.L. Bor and C.R. Pawsey : 1931 `English-Sema Vocabulary’ Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal : 3rd Series, Letters Vol. 4 pp. 309-349.
A.W. Davis : 1891 `Naga Tribes’ Assam Census report part 1. pp. 186-203
Rev. W.F. Dowd : 1909 MLALI : a primer in Sema
C.Von Füer Haimendrof 1973 `Socio-cultural change among the konyak Nagas’ Highlander (ed) Alemchiba Ao, Kohima, Vol.1, No.1, March, PPP3-12.
J.H. Hutton : 1965 `The mixed cultures of Naga Tribes, Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute : Vol.95, part 1, pp. 16-43.
P. Ladefoged : 1970, `The measurement of phonetic similarity’, Statistical Methods in Linguistics, 6, pp. 23-32.
D.A. Majumdar: 1924 `A few remarks on the Sema Naga kinship terms, Man in India : Vol. 4, pp. 193-208.
J.J. Modi : 1922 `The Aghukhoh of the Sema Nagas of Assam Hills and Chah of Kabulis ; Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal : Vol.12, pp. 609-616.
C.R. Pawsey: 1939 `Ten folk tales of Sema Nagas’ Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 3rd series, letters Vol. 5, pp. 261-315.
M.V. Sreedhar : 1970 `Negation in Gujarati’, Talks and papers (ed) H.S. Biligiri, Mysore, pp. 29-35.
M.V. Sreedhar : `Language use in Multilingual Nagaland’, Proceedings of the Workshop on Social Stratification and Language behaviour. (May 1973) Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla (forthcoming).
M.V. Sreedhar : 1976 `Standardization of Naga Pidgin : Anthropological Linguistics, Vol. 18, No.8 NOv. 1976 ; pp. 371-379 and also in Journal of Creole Studies, Vol.1 iisue 1, Jan. 1977.
M.V. Sreedhar :1978. `clan Marriage practices and kinship terms amongst the Ao and Sema Nagas’ Paper presented at the X International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Dec. 10-16, 1978, Delhi.
M.V. Sreedhar : 1979, `Phonemes of Rongmei Naga’ Indian Linguistics vol.4k0 pp. 41-48.
M.V. Sreedhar : `Function of bilingualism in Nagaland’ International Journal of Sociology of language, (To appear in the 1979 issue).







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