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ti pi “nisapá, no-no kucónò
this say. Nisapa, you-nominative really
“Nisapa, if you really
nisalá luni-si aye suna-ye-timì -no
Nisala want-do if gold-focus marker
want to do (marry) bring to our home
itha ce-mo-kè pesno ni-kì-lo
use habitual-neg-past buying I-house-in
the gold that was not used by any man.

si-lo pi ike nisapa-no suna
bring-imp say. thus Nisapa-nominative gold
Thus Nisapa, for giving
- nisala-pu-aza kma c-we
give-come Nisala-father-mother dual give-past
gold, came to Nisala’s parent’s house and gave (the gold).

ikemu kla-kpu Folokilo
but wed-wait during
But when the bridegroom waited

alhoköth nisala-pu-aza kma-no
always Nisala-father-mother dual-nominative
(for Nisala), Nisala’s parents always used to say that

nisalà-ye s-anì pi-ce-y. asakha-lo
Nisala-focus marker sick-is say-habitual-past. last-in
she was sick. At last.
nisapa-no akha-ce mla pesno y

Nisapa-nominative bambo basket-make work buying coming
buying a bambo basket, came and carried away

nisala. xapu
ú-we nisapà eno nisalà
Nisala. carry go-past Nisapa and Nisala
köma-ye aloko
ono si-xi ace ú-we
dual-focus joy fully do-live make g-past
Nisapa and Nisala lived happily

akili - no a kma ili
squirrel-and phesant dual story
The story of the Squirrel and the phesant
ilo, akili-no a kma asow
long ago, squirrel-and phesant dual deep friend
Long ago, a squirrel and a phesant made intimate

si-ace. kini-no lo lakhì-lo timì
do-make. two-nominative day one-in man
friendship. The two visited daily the traps laid by

licè ikaw. a-no ato si
trap visit. phesant-nominative first do
people. The phesant would (enter)

timì licè lono ktme-we, aye
man trap from catch-past then
the trap first and get caught. Then

akili-no aks k
squirrel-nominative trap instrument rope
cutting with his teeth, the rope of the trap instrument,

kthavece-no a xa-lu-ce
cut with teeth-nominative phesant save-can-habitual
the squirrel could save the phesant.







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