I  am writing
1  4 2 3
khera yoenuk
1 2 3 4
you  are coming
1     4 2  3
khera čhenuk
1 2   3   4
you  are going
1    4 2 3
khera zbrinuk
1 2 3 4
you   are writing
1      4 2 3

Past tense

a yoenyopin
1 2 3 4 5
I   was coming
1   4+5 2 3
khera yoenukpin
1 2 3 4 5
you  were coming
1     4+5    2 3
bucha yoenukpin
1 2 3 4 5
(the) boy   was coming
  1     4+5    2 3

Future tense

1    2  3  4  5
I  will be coming
1  5   4   2  3
khera  yoenukuk
1   2  3    4  5
you will  be  coming
1 5   4     2  3
bucha yoenuktuk
1 2    3 4 5
(the)  boy will  be  coming
   1     5    4     2  3

      Perfect is expressed by making use of the auxiliary yot or duk. The suffix -se occurs with the main verb whenever one of these auxiliaries is used. Perfect aspect may be characterised as expressing the completion of an action in the past. But in the present, the action is completed but its domain is extended into the present (Krishnamurthi (1969:308)).

     yot occurs whenever the subjecdt noun phrase is first person. If the subject noun phrase is either second person or third person, then the auxiliary duk is used (Refer to The present tense is unmarked and -pin and -tuk occur as the past and future tense markers.

as šokšokčik

1          2      3 4   5   6

I  have written a

1    6     4   5  3






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