Future tense may be defined as
indicating the time precedent to the time of the utterance. In
certain languages, where there are two way distinction of
tense system, present and future tenses are included under non
past category.
In Purki, future
tense morpheme has two allomorphsča:in
and -et. The occurrance of these
allomorphs is predicted on the basis of the specification of
verbs as (+ Transitive). If the verb is intransitive, ča:in occurs as the future tense suffix- If the verb is
transitive, both ča:in
and -etoccur as the future tense suffix
depending on the subject noun phrase of the sentence.5 -etoccurs whenever the subject noun phrase is the first
person. If the subject noun phrase is either second person or
third person, then ča:in
occurs as the future tense suffix.