Benefactive can be conveniently included under dative which expresses the
indirect object. The suffix la or a expresses the meaning of
direction or denotes the receiver of an object. Benefactive may express the
meaning of ‘receiver’ or the action is performed for the benefit of
someone/something. It is expressed by phia.
The locative case expresses the
meaning of location either on the plane of space or time.
Though the suffixes -ka, -ya
and -la express the
meaning of location in general, these suffixes cannot be
grouped under a single morpheme. Location may further be
classified in terms of place and object. Under object, further
be classified in terms of place and object. Under object,
further classification is made on the basis of exterior
location and interior location. This may be shown as
The morpheme -ka is used to express
the meaning of ‘in’. -la expresses the meaning of ‘at’.
-la has two allomorphs and -la occurs with noun stems ending
in consonants and -a elsewhere.