kheras ša:lčik

1          2      3 4

you  bought

a  shawl
1         4 3     2

sus ša:lčik

ńos ?
1        2 3 4

who bought

a shawl ?
1        4 3     2

ata raf:sla

1       2 3  4

(the)father went

to Drass
           1 4 3 2

su ra:sla

so ?
1    2 3 4

who went  to

Drass ?
 1       4    3    2
       The interrogative word či or gaw occurs in the place of subject noun phrase if the subject noun phrase is nonhuman. The distrubutional restriction of či and gaw is based on the specification of subject noun phrase as definite or indefinite. gaw replaces the subject noun phrase when it is specified (+ definite). Otherwise či replaces the subject noun phrase.

NP X Y Vb ®

[ -Human ]
[ +Definite ]

gaw X Y Vb

NP X Y Vb ®

[-Human ]
[-Definite ]

či X Y Vb

čowo yeldaqpu

ika phoq
1           2 3 4      5

the big branch

fell on me
3     1      2 5        4

gaw ika

phoq ?
1       2 3

what did fall

on me ?
1            3      2

či ika phoq ?
1     2     3  

what did

fall on me ?
1   3       2

The interrogative word gar replaces the noun phrase which is specified (+place) i.e., the word gar is used to replace the place adverbs in Purki.

NP1 NP Vb ®

[ + Place ]

NP1 gar Vb

By an optional rule, gar is moved to the front position.

NP1 gar Vb ®

gar NP1 Vb

ata mara:sla so
 1     2  3       4

(the) father went to Madras
1 4 3 2





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