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Nouns Human being class class (abbreviated NH class of nouns) and Nouns animate non-human being class (abbreviated NanH being class). Given below is a chart showing the sub-grouping of the nouns in this language.

A formal definition of each of the sub-groups of nouns follows:
Noun human being class: The nouns that are capable of showing the presence of plural and the dative case markers and the absence of the locative case marker and selects the third person pronoun tay ‘he/she’ for substituting a noun/noun phrase form a sub-group of nouns designated as nouns human being class (abbreviated NH class).
Nouns animate non-human being class: The nouns that are capable of showing the presence of plural and the locative case markers and the absence of the dative case marker and selects the third person pronouns itu/heytu ‘it’ for substituting a noun/noun phrase form a sub-group of nouns designated as nouns animate non-human being class abbreviated NanH class.
Nouns inanimate being class: The nouns that are capable of showing the locative case marker but are incapable of taking the number and the dative case markers and substitute the third person pronoun itu/heytu ‘it’ for a noun/noun phrase form a sub-group of noun designated as nouns inanimate being class (abbreviated Nina class).
In all the sub-groups while the nominative and the genitive case relations are left unmarked, the instrumental case relation is marked by a post position. The distinctive features found with each of the sub-groups along with illustrative examples are given below in a tabular form.
(NH class)
(NanH class)
(Nina class)
Number marker + + -
Accusative case + + -
Dative case + - -
Locative case - + +
Instrumental (post position) - + +
III person pronoun-tay + - -
heytu/itu - + +
NH class : suali ‘girl’ + number
+ accusative
+ dative
- locative :
- instrumental :
+ tay
- heytu/itu
: sualikan
: sualik
: sualike
NanH class: puhu ‘deer’ + number
+ accusative
- dative :
+ locative
+ instrumental
- tay
+ heytu/itu
: puhukan
: puhuk

: puhute
: puhu lgot
Nina class : nodi ‘river’ - number :
- accusative :
- dative :
+ locative
+ instrumental
- tay
+ heytu/itu

: nodite
: nodi lgot

It was mentioned earlier that a few nouns within the NH and NanH being class show overt gender markers. Even then, gender as a grammatical category is ignored in this work partly because of its functional yield of opposition being extremely low and partly because, most of the speakers consider these nouns as single entities rather than paired nouns. Barring these few paired nouns, the nouns in this language do not show any sub-morphemic feature, i.e., they have the same shape before all the suffixes and post positions.

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