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  (iii) (d, m, , s, r, l, w, y) +k
dk kidki ‘window’
mk dmki ‘jerk’
k ahkar ‘pride’
sk biskot ‘biscuit’
rk dorkas ‘petition’
lk julki ‘pepper’
wk nwkr ‘servant’
yk mayki ‘wife’

  (iv) (m, r, y) +b
mb kmbol ‘rug’
rb sirbol ‘aluminium’
yb trybl ‘tribal’

  (v) (b, d, g, n, r, l, w)+b
bd sbdo ‘sound’
dd uddesyo ‘aim’
gd pgdi ‘turban’
nd annd ‘happiness’
rd prda ‘curtain’
ld joldi ‘soon’
wd cwdo ‘fourteen’

  (vi) (,r) +g
g duguwa  ‘flattery’
rg murgi ‘hen’

  (vii) (j, n, r, y) +j
jj, ujjl ‘bright’
nj knjus ‘miser’
rj dorja ‘door’
yj pyjama ‘pajama’

  (viii) (m, n, r)+c
mc gmca ‘kerchief’
nc poncas ‘fifty’
rc korca ‘expensive’

(c) Nasals in C1 position :
  (i) (p, t, d, s, r, l, y)+m
pm topma ‘medal
tm atma ‘soul’
dm bdmas ‘naughty’
sm dusman ‘enemy’
rm dermo ‘religion’
lm almari ‘cupboard’
ym dymnd ‘diamond’

  (ii) (k, d, g, m, w, y)+n
kn dakna ‘lid’
dn bdnam ‘bad name’
gn signal ‘sign’
mn simna ‘boundary’
wn rwnd ‘circle’
yn dyna ‘right’

  (iii) y + e.g.,
baynay diya ‘appeal’

(d) Fricatives in C2 position:
  (k, b, n, , l, y)+s
ks noksan ‘destroy’
bs subsiron ‘neatness’
ns kensi ‘scissors’
s ma´so ‘meat’
lš alsiya ‘lazyman’
ys hoyse ‘enough’

(e) Approximants in C2 position:

  (i) (s, r, l,)+w
sw keswa lora ‘boy’
rw asirwad ‘blessing’
lw tlwar ‘sword’

  (ii) (t, k, g, j)+y
ty duytyor ‘second’
ky ikilokye ‘together’
gy agyejawe ‘owertake’
jy mojya ‘floor’

Some interesting features can be found if the C1C2 clusters occurring in the intervocal positions are compared with reference to the different classes of consonants that from clusters in either of these positions. The most revealing feature of such a comparison is that the liquids (i.e., r, l), bilabial and dental nasals whether they occur in C1 orC2c position have the maximum privilege of occurrence. And the class of consonants with which they occur are also nearly the same in both the positions. Conversely y in C1 position occurs with 14 other consonants but in C2 position it occurs only with 4 stops. In other words, y does not follow nasals, liquids and fricatives, the classes of consonants which it could precede. Similarly, the velar nasals that could precede nine consonants including different stops liquids and the dental fricative can follow only y. When compared with their occurrence in C2 position, the stops in C1 position occur

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