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   (x) t+(m, r, l, y) e.g.,
tm atma ‘soul’
tr dutri ‘chin’
tl patla ‘lean’
ty dutyor ‘second’

   (ix) k+(t, n, r, l, s, y) e.g.,
kt ektr ‘actor’
kn dakna ‘lid’
kr chokra ‘boy’
kl ekla ‘alone’
ks noksan ‘destroy’
ky ikilokye ‘together’
  (xii) b+(d, r, l, s) e.g.,
bd sbdo ‘sound’
br lebra ‘left’ (side’
bl dubla ‘lean’
bs sabsiron ‘neatness’

  (xiii) d+(m, n, r, k) e.g.,
dm bdmas  ‘naughty’
dn bdnam ‘bad name’
dr smudra ‘sea’
dk khidki ‘window’
  (xiv) g+(d, n, y) e.g.,
gd pgdi ‘turban’
gn signal ‘sign’
gy agyejawe ‘overtake’
  (xv) j+(r, l, y)
jr hjra pawi ‘receive payment’
jl khujli ‘itching’
jy mojya ‘floor’
  (xvi) ph+(r, l)
phr riphri ‘whistle’
phl mphlr ‘muffler’


A sequence of C1C1 does not occur at the word-initial or at the word-final position. But a few words having the sequence of C1C1 can, however, occur in inter-vocal position. A morph boundary or bound morphemes may intervene the C1C1 sequence at this position. The consonants involved are: t, j, d, l, n. The examples of C1C1 sequences are :
tt gutti ‘nut’
jj ujjl ‘bright’
ll khulla ‘open’
nn unnoys ‘nineteen’ etc.


The sequences of C1C2 occurring in inter-vocal position can also be stated in terms of the privilege of occurrence of C2 with different C1-These are stated below.
   (a) Liquids in C2 position:
    (i) (p, t, k, b, d, j, p, m, n,, s, w, y) +r, e.g.,
pr phapre ‘rust’
tr dutri ‘chin’
kr chokra ‘boy’
br lebra ‘left’ (side)
dr smudra ‘sea’
jr hjra pawi ‘receive payment’
phr riphri ‘whistle’
mr kumra ‘pumpkin’
nr nrs ‘pineapple’
r lera ‘lame’
sr hsra ‘pay daily wages’
wr phwra ‘spade’
yr dyriya ‘diarrhoea’
  (ii) (t, k, b, j, ph, m,, s, y) +l
tl patla ‘lean’
kl ekla ‘alone’
bl dubla ‘lean’
jl khujli ‘itching’
phl mplr ‘muffler’
ml komla ‘orange’
l jli ‘of wild’
sl disla ‘matches’
yl koyla ‘charcoal’

  (b) Stops in C2 position:
   (i) (n, , s, l)+p
np danpora ‘difficult’
p lopent ‘trousers’
sp tespin ‘chameleon’
lp jolpan ‘snacks’
  (ii) (p, t, k, m, n, s, r, l, y)+t
pt capta ‘fatten’
tt gutti ‘nut’
kt kakti phorn ‘locust’
mt kmti ‘less’
nt kintu ‘but’
st bosta ‘gunny bag’
rt martul ‘hammar’
lr dolta ‘floor’
yt boytura ‘mushroom’
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