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ta-k sawi-bole tat
she(acc) see to there
went to see her.

jay-se. ketya suali-tu tay poyla bal
go(past). when girl(specific) she first love
When the girl saw her first lover,

kora manu dikhi-se tay Systhor etom bal
do man see(past) she health very good
she fully recovered from her sickness.

hoy-se. kintu otu lora babi-se
happen(past). But that boy think(past).
But the boy thought that she was then

suali-tu itya dusra manu mayki se.
girl(specific) now another man woman is.
the wife of another man.

itu nimiti otu gorib lora suali manu gor
this because that poor boy girl man house
Because of that, the poor boy left her husband’s house.

pora jay-se. itu pisot suali-tu
from go(past). this after girl(specific)
After that, the girl

kanti kanti bisi bimar thki-se ketya tay
cry cry much sickness remain(ast). when she
cried so much that she fell ill.

jani-se tay mori-bole din osor hi-se ek din
know(past) she die to day near come(past) one day
When she realized that she was to die shortly, she said

tay kowi-se "itu duniya-te moy bal kora manu
she say(past) this world in I love do man
one day, "in this world I cannot marry the man

lgot sadi kori-bole ho-bo noare kintu moy
with marriage do to happen will no can but I
I love, but in the other world I will always remain

ta-k lgot dusra duniya-te hoday thki-se
he(acc) with another world in alwasys remain(past).
with him.

itu kowi tay mori-se. itu kotha huni otu
this say she die(past). this talk hear that
saving this, she died.

lora bi mori-se.
boy also die(past).
the boy also died.

itu biswas kori thki-se, otu suali ru otu
this belief do remain is that girl and that
it is believed that the boy and the girl are

lora dusra duniya-te ikilokye thkise.
boy another world in together remain is.
living together in the other world.



Kukur ru ghuri

uthoni ekta bostite manu tay khetite kam koribole ekta ghuri ru ekta kukur rkhise. ek din otu manu ghuri ru kukur korone bat bonayse ru tay duy jndutu khetite kam koribole pathise ghuritu din bor kam kori thkise ru kukurtu kheti gorte humi. thkise. ketya gudulite grai jawa hmoyte kukurtu khetite jay iphali uphali dwri itu the nisan matite dikhi payse ru gor jayse.
kukurtu khetipora itu hikok gor hi tak kowise "baba, g«huritu eku kam kora ny ru dinbor khetigorte humi thkise, kintu gray jawa homoyte ghuritu iphali uphali dwri itu the nisan matite bonise. ru moy(kukur) eklahi sob kam korise". kintu manutu itu kotha biswas kora ny.

otu manu kukur kotha biswas nkora nimite dusra din bi duy jndu korone bat korise ru khetite kam koribole tak pathise kintu otu manubi kon kon ki ki kam kora sawibole luki kori jay khetite osor jlte rukhithkise ru kukurtu khetite gorte humise kintu ketya gudolite gray jawa homoyte kukurtu khetite jay iphali uhpali dwri itu the nisan matite dikhipayse ru gor jayse. otu manu itu sob sawise.

otu manu duy jntutu ki ki kam kori sawi pisot gor hise. gor aha pisot pura bat ggurik dise ru khali hara kukurtu phelise. kukurtu orm lagi hara lobi duy tukuri majed khaybole bohise. itu mimiti ajbi lik ghurik bat ru kukur hara dise.


A Dog and a Pig

Once upon a time a man had kept a dog and a pig for working in the field. One day that man prepared food for the dog and the pig and sent both the animals to the field for working. The pig worked for the whole day (lit. work do remained) and the dog remained sleeping in the field house. In the evening, at the time of returning home, the dog ran hither and thither and made marks of its foot (lit. mark see got) and went home.


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