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The dog on reaching the home of its master told him ‘father, the pig did not do nay work and it slept the whole day in the field house; but at the time of returning home, the pig ran hither and thither and made mark of its feet on the ground. And it (the dog) alone did the whole work’. But that man did not believe these words.
Since that man did not believe the story of the dog, the next day also he prepared food for the two animals and sent them to the field. But to find out who is doing what work, he also went quietly and remained in the forest near the field. That day also, the pig worked the whole day and the dog slept, in the field house. But at the time of returning home, the dog running hither and thither made its foot mark on the ground. That man saw all these.
That man returned home after seeing the work the two animals had done. After coming home he gave the entire food to the pig and threw the bones to the dog. Out of shame, the dog taking the bones sat in between two baskets to eat. Because of this, even today people give food to pig and bones to dog.
nijor nhua ay
(Lit. real not happen mother)
(Step Mother)
ketya khatau was boyo sile tay ay marise. ru din nthki otu lori baba dusri sadi korise. khatau nijor nhua aytu khatau lgot olop bi morm sawi ny. khatau nutn ay khatauke din bor konu kam kori bole dise ru tay hoday bagor thkise. otu mayki khatau hinsa kora tay babak hodav kowise. ru khatau baba mon bisa korise. itu nimiti dusra koni lori iman kopl nse timan khatau sile. khatau ekta beya lori se itu tay manuk biswas kori dise, ru otu mayki khatauk pathabole hoday jor korise. itu nimiti ek din khatau baba khatauk pathabole mnjur korise.
ru dusra din khatau baba khatauk jolot loy jayse. duy jon bhut dur jay pist dobol jngol majed ekta ukho gas upr duy jon uthaise. olop smoy pisot khatau baba kowi, tay bat nibole phorise. otu nimiti tay etom joldi gor jay bat loy hibo. itu misa kowi khataubaba gor jayse. ru grai jaynse. khatau ekla namibo noarise itu nimiti tay gas uprhi bohise. heytu rokom duy din jayse. buk nimiti tay pura jur harise.
trityor diws bak hi gas upr uthaise ru khatauk mari khabole sur korise, olop pisot khatauk sawibole tay bndu ekta hise, bak khatauk mari khayse sawi lorake dukh pay. bak lgot jodo kori bak marise. itu pisot loratu bak mata ru khatau matha katise ru duy matha loi bostite gray jayse.
dusra din ratipua hmoyte khatau baba gor jayse ru dorja dyna bak makta ru bayna khatau matha rosi lgot bandise. olop pisot otu mayki mati duy mata dikhise. otu mayki duy matha sawi thki hsmoyte otu lora mayki gor jolayse. maykitu ru tay manutu mor jayse.

(Step Mother)

When Khatau was five years old, her mother died. And shortly afterwards, her father married again. Khatau’s step mother did not show any sympathy to her. Without any rest, the whole day Khatau’s step mother gave her some work or the other. She always used to say against Khatau to her father. And Khatau’s father’s mind was poisoned against her. Because of these, there wasn’t any girl who was as unlucky as Khatau. Her father was made to believe that she was a bad girl. And that woman went on pressurising her husband to send away Khatau. Because of these, one day he agreed to send her away.
The next day Khatau’s father took her to a forest. After going far, they climbed a tall tree in the midst of the thick forest. After sometime, her father said that he had forgotten to bring food. He would go home and return soon with food. Telling this lie, her father went home and did not return. Khatau could not climb down the tree alone. So she sat on the top of the tree itself. In this manner two days passed. Out of hunger, she lost all her strength.
On the third day one tiger came and after jumping (climbing) on to the tree, killed her and started eating her. After a while a friend of hers who was searching for her came there. Seeing that Khatau was being eaten, the boy felt sorry. He fought with the tiger and killed it. Afterwards he cut the head of the tiger and of Khatau and taking them returned to the village.
Next day at dawn he went to Khatau’s father’s house and tied with a rope the head of the tiger on the right side of the door and the head of Khatau on the left side. Then he called the woman (Khatau’s step mother) and showed the two heads. When the woman was seeing the two heads, he set fire to the house. Both the woman and her husband died.


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