ru gudoli tay joma kora s moy-te
and evening he collect do time in
and in the evenings when he collects the grain, he used to get
duy tukri hoday pay-se itu
two basket always get (past). this because
two baskets of grain. Because of it
tay hoday khusi
th ke-se.
otu manu
he always happiness remain (past). that man
he always lived a happy life.
tini lora
-sile. tay lora-khan
da or
three son is (past). he son(pl) big
That man had three sons. After his sons were
hoy pisot
l k
l k
bosti-te sadi kori di-se.
happen after different different village in marriage do give (past).
grown up, they were married in different villages.
ek din ketya otu manu jani-se
One day when that man know he (acc)
One day when he came to know that he was (past)
mori-bole din osor
hi-se, tay tini lora-k
die to day near come (was) he three son (acc)
about to die, after calling his three sons, he said : my sons,
mati kowi-si: "moy lora-khan,
moy mori pisot
call say (past) my son(pl) my die after
after my death, you must dry the grain turn by turn
l k
l k
din dan suka kori-bole lage
you (pl) different different day grain dry do to must
On different days.
ru j kra
n kori-bo. tay mori pisot olop
and quarrel no do (future). he die after few
And do not quarrel". For a few days after
din tay kotha
honmani-se. kintu olop din
day he word obey (past). but few day
his death, they obeyed his words. But after some
pisot lora-khan majed j kra
suru hoy-se
after boy(pl) between quarrel begin happen (past)
days, the boys began to quarrel amongst themselves.
itu j kra hoday th ki-se.
itu karone lora-kan
that quarrel always remain(past). this because boy (pl)
That quarrel continued every day. Because of this
majed otu mejik p thor
tini bag bani-bole
between that majic stone three share break to
they decided amongest themselves to divide that stone into |
m njur kori-se. tay-khan
tel gas jama
agree do(past). he(pl) oil grass collect
three parts. After gathering oily grass
kora ru mejik p thor
up r rokhi otu
do and majic stone on keep that
and keeping it on the stone, set fire to that
gastu jyuy jolay-se. otu p thor
tini tukra bani
grass(past). fire burn(past) that stone three piece break
grass. That stone had broken into three pieces.
hoy-se. ketya otu m jik p thor
happen(past). when this magic stone piece
When the majic stone broke into pieces, the magic of that stone
hoy-se otu p thor
mejik hari-se. otu
happen(past) that stone magic lose (past). that
was lost.
pisot tay-khan tay-khan baba
kotha n
after he(pl) he(pl) father word no
honmani-bole dukh pay.
obey to sorry get.
After that, they felt sorry for not obeying their father’s words. |