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tay nam hudi-se suali-tu kowi-se
she name ask past. girl/specific say past
its name The girl
moy dukh nimiti tay nam
I sorrow because she name
relied that out of sorrow, she named the
zerokrino2 di-se itu homoy-te lora-tu
Zerokrino give past. this time in boy specific
child as Zerokrino. At that time the boy took
tay bal muni ekta uloy-kine bca-tu
he good necklace one take having child specific
out a good necklace and giving it
di kowi-se, puni manu itu muni
give say past, you man this necklace
to the child said, if your husband asks
kod pora pay-se hudi-le moy itu
where from get past ask if I this
from where she got the necklace, don’t say that
di-se n kowi. puni kini-se
give past no say you buy past
I gave it to you. Please say that you
kowi-bi. itu lukay kori-le moy
say(imp). this hide do if I
bought it. I would be very happy, if
bisi bal pa-bo’
very good get will.
You could hide it’


This is an Angami folk tale, translated into this Pidgin by Shri Atha of Kohima Nikrone is an Anami festival.



Zerokhrino is a proper name. Its literary meaning in Angami is ‘don’t feel of departing, from you’. In this context, it indicates the deep love of the girl for her previous lover, despite begetting a child from her husband.

(Assamese version)

SirkallWi thka bhalpoa

Ekbar Ezni1 Soali aru Eta lWrai itoe2 xitok bhal pai bia kora b¨la mon Kre. Kintu lW rar ai bopaye mnjur kra naiei nimitee tar bEIEg3 Soalir lgt bia pati dise4. Kintu bia hoar pis to lratoe izni soalir nimittehe besi dukh kWri ase. pist izni soaliro bEIEg lWrar lgt bia hy. Ekbar nikrone puzar xmyt ito soalie kesua5 lWi aibopair ghrt ahise. ei xmyto ito lWraio iyalWi ahi taik paise. aru lWratoe kesuato lWi tair nam xudhise. Soaliznie kWise ‘mor dukhr nimitte tair nam xudhise. Soaliznie kWise ‘mor dukhr nimitte tair nam zerokrino diso:ci xmyte lWratoe Eta bhal mni uliai kesuatok di kWise, ‘tor manuhtoe ito mni kWr pra paise buli6 xudhile ito mni diso nkWnize kiniso buli kbi. ito lukai rakhile mi besi bhal pam.



Ezni/Eta stand respectively for ‘one female/male’. but in Kamrup district, which is near the Southern part of Nagaland, this distinction is not maintained and Eta is used for both ‘male/female’.
itoe ‘mutual’ whereas Ekelge ‘together’, in Assamese.
bEIEg ‘another’ but in Kamrup district ‘dosra’.

when the marriage is arranged by oneself and not by the parents, the usage is :
soalik bia krise’ (lit. girl acc marriage do past)
   1     2      3           1    2       3       4   5
bsa ‘child’, (Hindi bcha) is not used in Assamese to refer to the child of human beings.

 buli, a conjunctive used between two verbs in Assamese.


Mejik pthor
Majic stone

uthoni ekta bosti-te manu ekta mejik
once upon a time one village-in man one magic
Once upon a time, a man in a village had a magic stone.
pthor sile. hoday phojur-te tay ekta tukri
stone is(past). always morning in he one basket
Every day in the morning he used to put one basket
dan otu pthor upr suke kori-bole rkhi-se
grain that stone on dry do to keep (past)
of grain on that stone


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