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Till very recently, a major concern of the Nagas was the struggle for existence. This arose primarily out of the inter-tribal and at times even inter-feuds. Therefore, a large number of folk songs and folk tales of the Nagas partain to the warfare, heroic deeds of their warriors etc. Apart from this, every Naga is concerned with two other issues in his life. One concerns his love affair, particularly of the pre-marital relationship and the other hardship and sufferings of children living with a step-mother or a step-father, including the orphans living with the fostered parents. In every Naga tribe one could find a number of folksongs and folktales on these two themes. These two themes are also reflected in the folktales included in this section as texts.
These folktales were collected from different Naga communities. The folktales in each Naga language were translated into Naga Pidgin by the informat concerned. Later all the stories were re-written by this writer to fit in with the system of the standardised grammar of Naga Pidgin presented in the body of this book. The Assamese version (equivalent) of the first test on ‘Immortal Love’ is also given in this. The Assemese version was provided by Dr. Datta Baruah, of the CIIL.


Sirkolay thka bal

Permanent remain love
Immortal love
ek    bar   suali   ekta   ru    lora   ekta   ikilokye
one  time  girl    one    and   boy   one    together
Once a girl and a boy loved each other,
bal     pay-kine     sadi         kori-bole        mon thke
love   get having   marriage   do (infinitive)  mind remain
and decided to marry,
Kintu Lora ay-baba mnijur kora ny.  
but boy mother father permission do no.  

but the boy’s parents did not agree.
itu nimiti ta-k dusra suali-lgot    
this because he(acc) another girl with    
Because of this, marriage with another girl was
sadi kori di-se. kintu  lora-tu sadi  
marriage do give past. but boy specific marriage  
arranged.   but even after his
huapisot itu suali nimiti hi bisi  dukh
happen after this girl because itself very sorrow

marriage, he felt sorry for this girl.
kori di-se.            
do give past.            
pisot itu suali-bi dusra lora-lgot sadi  
afterwads this girl also another boy with marriage  

Later this girl also got married to another boy.
huy. ek-bar nikrone 1  puja homoy-te    
heppen. one time nikrone festival time in    

During the Nikrone festival, once
itu suali tay manu bca  loy-kine tay
this girl she man child take having she
taking the child she begot from her husband this girl went    

ay-baba             gor-te        hi-se.          itu    homoy-te
mother father      house in  come past.    this    time in

to her parent’s house. At the same time,
itu     lora     bi     yete  hi-kine          ta-k        pay-se.
this    boy   also   there  come having   she(acc)   get past.

this boy also came there and met the girl.
ru     lora-tu          suali     bca    lo-kine
And    boy specific   girl      child     take having

And taking the child, the boy asked


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