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daltam ‘beat it’

There may be vowel harmony influencing the vowel of /ta/, converting it to /e/ or /o/, as in -hiju?lenme ‘come, if you dare!’

dotom ‘must keep it’. Here it is not used with intransitive verbs.

(iii) In the anterior future and past tenses, the form is generally /-em/, as in -

hiju?lenme    or   hiju?ukome  ‘Please come here first’

      (It’s my wish)Where a defiance is meant, the suffix /len/ is also used for this, as in -
In case of anterior past it is used both with transitive and intransitive. This is a peculiar situation in Mundari where the imperative is used even in some type of past tense. Semantically, it relates to a such a command which should have been attended to prior to taking up some other job. Such as:

‘you might be gone earlier’
‘you! might given him earlier’

(iv) In case of the continuative present, the final /d/ of /akad/ is dropped and the suffix is simply /-m/, as in -

do-akam     ‘continue to keep it’

For the intransitive the full tense form of /akan/ is used to differntiate it from transitive, but then the suffix is /-me/,

dub-akan-me      ‘keep sitting’

As in case of /len/, akan/ is also used sometimes to denote threat -

sen-akan-me      ‘keep on going if you dare’. Other formatives:
Apart from the stem forming suffixes, tense/aspect and mood markers, the f.v.m. /a/ and pro
mininal suffixes, there are some particles which although not tightly bound, rather they are free forms, participate in the verbal construction in many ways:
(i) The emphatic /ge/, as stated, is used with the marker /akad/ or akan/, to denote present continuous defferentiating them from pure perfects (§ It also emphasizes the continuty of an action:

‘he keeps on going’
but senakanae
‘he has gone’

(ii) /alo/, as prohibitive, is used with the optative /k/, occurring before it and after the root, to denote a request not to do anything -

senalokom       ‘please do no go’

(iii) /do/ along with /re/ forms conditional mood, which otherwise has no marker (§, as in -

menai?redo ‘but if he be’

(vi) /ka/ is the marker for negation in indicative form -

kaseno?ai ‘I will not go’

But it also sometimes performs the function of /ba/ ‘not to exist’. as in /kaetaena/ ‘it does not exist there or it is not ethere, where the /taen/ ~ /tain/ ‘to stay’ is used with it. Here the suffixation of /e/ for inanimate subject to /ka/ denotes that it is not separate from the predicate.
(v) sida - This particle is used in future tense with the intransitive verbs, as to denote anterior future (§ It may take the postposition of /-te/ to stand apart and before the verb and even the indirect object:

sidate piila sena      ‘thou and I will go first to the market’

But, generally it is postposed to the root itself to make acompound denoting priority of the action as in -





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