[bh] is a slightly aspirated
alternant of /b/.
It occurs in Assamese loan words.
‘lady’s finger’
[r bha]
is the checked alternant of /b/. It occurs finally and in clusters
and is in free distribution with [p’].
‘is weeping’
[b] occurs in all other environments
[b tsam]
[dśb l]
3. /t/ voiceless apico-alveolar stop
It has four allophones viz., [th,]
[t’,] [t5]
and [t].
viz., [th,] {t’,]
[t5] and [t]
[th] aspirated. It occurs in
loan words from Assamese.
[a thi]
[p thar]
[t’] unreleased.
It occurs in clusters as a first member and in final position.
‘to write’
[t5] voiceless
apicodental. It is in free variation with [t] in the Sayang dialect
of the language.
~ [tulaN]
~ [terėN]
‘teeth of an animal’
~ [napit’]
4. /dh/ voiced apicoalveolar
stop. It has four positional alternants i.e., [dh],
and [d]
[dh] is a slightly voiced aspirated
apicoalveolar stop. It occurs only in loan words.
[gadh ]
[d’] is an unreleased
voiced apicoalveolar stop. Occurs finally and is in fre variation
with [t*].
[r d’]
~ [r t’]
[p skad]
~ [p skat]
[d5śti ]
~ [dśti ]
‘place to sit’
~ [lįgdu]
[d5] is an
apicodental sound. It is in free variation with [d] in the Sayang
dialect of the language.
~ [bļrduk]
[p rd5a]
~ [p rda]
[gidd5i ]
~ [giddi ]
[d] It occurs in all other environments
‘Miri surname’
5. /k/ has three allophones