5. Low central vowel /
a / |
It has two allophones [«]
and [a]. If in the preceding syllable, [a] occurs in high or level
tone, in the next syllable, [«]
occurs. If the syllable carries low tone, [«]
will occur. It also occurs in vowel nuclei.
[az n]
[al $g]
[un $m]
[pįt ]
‘to get’
[gi am]
[lu ka]
[sśp $k]
6. High back vowel / u /
It has three allophones, ie., [u], [u_]
and [U]. The allophone [u] occurs only preceded or followed by /y/,
/r/, /l/ and /z/ in high tone. Occurrence of [U] is confined to
only vowel clusters and low tone. [u_]
occurs elsewhere.
[śy ]
[al mne]
[r yi]
[z ne]
‘going up’
‘to blow’
[s Uki]
7. Low back vowel /¨/
It has two allophones: [ ]
and [ v].
The allophone [ v]
occurs in vowel clusters, in syllables preceding or following consonant
clusters and in the syllables which follow the syllable formed by
/i/ or /u/. Elsewhere [¨] occurs.
[ vmnam]
‘to sow’
[ta vk]
[bįb vi]
[bļr v]
[lék nE]
[ ]
[dėl ]
‘in time’
1.4.2. Consonants
| Stops
1. /p/ voiceless bilabial stop
It has three allophones i.e., [ph,
[p’] and [p]
[ph] is a slightly aspirated
alternant of /p/. It occurs in loan words.
‘to walk’
[ph ta]
‘to torn’
[phuk n]
‘an Ahom surname’
[p] is the checked alternant of /p/. It occurs finally.
‘pick pocket’
[pė zap’]
[kirk vp]
[p] occurs in all other environments
[p r k]
[p pļr]
2. /b/ voiced bilabial stop.
It has three allophones viz., [bh],
[b’] and [b].