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typically with non-motion verbs and the verb of existence and is indicated by the locative Noun Phrase taking the suffix /-ząk/.

 /pyawč1   masįząk2    ą3/
Nom Loc [P]
`the birdis3 on the tree2  (after having flown from somewhere and landed on it)’

 /h  mlāząk2  de3/
Nom Loc [P]
`I1 am3  in the village2 (after having traveled from somewhere and stopped here)’


Specific Reference :

This specifies the particular point in space at which or the environment in which the event or action identified by the verb is located and is marked by the Noun Phrase taking the suffix /-kyć ˜/.

/pyawč1  masįky  ą3/
Nom Loc [P]
`the bird1 is3 on the tree2’ in the sense of `the bird lives in the tree’

/h1   mlāky2   de3/
Nom Loc [P]
`I1  am in the village2’ in the sense of `I live in the village’

 Internal-Enclosed :

This case specifies the environment in which the subject/the action or the event  identified by the verb is located and further specifies that the subject and event are enclosed in the environment. The case is marked by suffixing  /-kw/ to the Noun Phrase representing the environment.

/pyawč  tapimkw2  ą3/
Nom Loc [P]
`the bird1    is3   in the cage2

 /h ąkw so3/
Nom Loc [P]
`I slept3   in the house2


Internal-Open :

This case specifies the environment in which the subject is situated or the event or action identified by the verb is taking place and also signifies that the environment is the place where the subject is expected to be in by natural laws. The case is marked by suffixing /-kõ/ to the Noun Phrase representing the environment.

/macygwč1   tįphrakõ2   ą3/
Nom Loc [P]
`(there) is  water in the river2

 /tįa tįphrakõ  patźa3/
Nom Loc [P]
`fish  swim in the river2

/mč1  hi2   taméy syéliyą4/
Nom Loc [P]





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