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`the  man1   killed the elephant3   in the forest2 

Time :

Time relationships fall into two types. The first type comprise those relationships which are general. The occurrence of the event is fixed with reference to some specified time. But the event does not or may not occur at that specified time. Such relationships are marked by the suffix /-gõ/.

 /h1   bajyekąy į3  bóde4/
Nom Loc [T] Dat
`I1 shall go4 home3 at 2 O’ clock2 (may be a little before or a little later but roughly around two)’

The second type comprise the relationships which are specific. The event is specified to occur precisely at the specified time. Within this the morphological realization depends upon duration. Specification of non-progressive momentary time is marked by the suffix /-dõ/.

/tamyā1   bajyekąy2   hanįso3/
Nom Loc [T]
`the tiger1 came3 at 2 o’ Clock2

 /kįdgmč  bajyemįadõ2   tap3   thįso4/
Nom Loc [T] Acc
`All the men1 ate4 food3 at 5 o’ Clock2

Specification of a span of time or duration within which the event is expected to occur is marked by  the suffix /-gõ/. That is, the event will begin and end within the specified interval of time.

/tamyā1   iyagõ  tąbr  malią4/
Nom Loc [T]
`tiger hunts4   meat at nigh2

Specification of a span of time or duration in the occurrence of the event is unmarked, i.e., the event occurs over a specified period but no reference is made to the beginning or the end of the action identified by the verb. The verb in such a sentence is either an existential or a non-directional motion verb.

/h hįlóksą2   tejyabgõ yaso4
Nom Loc [T] Loc [P]
`I was4   at Tezu3 for 3 months’

/wé1  kiyamįa  chygso3/
Nom Loc [T] 

Path :
This is the spatial location of a point with reference to which an action or event or change of state occurs. The case typically occurs with motion verbs. A distinction is made for formal realization. The one-dimensional path

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