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 /cyį1   įlčykgõ2   pya3   óą4/
Nom        Inst          Acc
`he shoots4   birds3   with arrows2
 /kįdgmč1   syābr2  hįdõgaą3/
Nom Inst
`All men1   fight3   with swords2
  Agent :

In topicalized sentences, the agent is demoted to the instrumental case. The demoted agent Noun Phrase takes the case inflexion /-ną/. The case specifies the animate precipitator of the action identified by the verb.

/pyawč  tabróch2 óą3/
Nom [0] Inst [A]
`the hunter2   shoots  the bird1


 /h1   tamyāną2   syéliyą3/
Nom [0] Inst [A]
`the tiger2 killed3 me1

 Locative :

The case relates the locative or temporal Noun Phrase to the verb in the sentence. Semantically the locative has three functions. 

Place :
This case specifies the spatial orientation of the action or event identified by the verb. The morphological realizations are based on distinctions like internal/external, enclosed/open and general/specific each represented by a separate suffix.


 General Reference :
This indicates the location of the event or action in the general vicinity of a point in space and is marked by the suffix /-ū/.
 /hnįbą  įū so3/
Nom Loc [P]
`my father1   slept3   at home2
 /tabróch1   įū2   3/
Nom Loc [P]
`the hunter1   is3   at home2


 Event Location :

This specifies the environment in which the event or action takes place rather than a specific point in space. The case is marked by the suffix /-gą/ and typically occurs with motion verbs.
 /garwi1   kheligą  chyįbsyiga3/
Nom Loc [P]
`the horse runs  in a race2


Metabatic Location :

It specifies the spatial orientation of the event identified by the verb and further specifies that the event is preceded by some movement of the subject. The movement is not indicated in the predicate. The case occurs






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