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as the termination of the action, i.e., the action ended at that particular time, the case inflexion is by suffixing /-tyig/ to the Noun Phrase.

 /h1   įnągõ lyįtyig  chygso4/
Nom Loc [T-beg] Loc [T-end]
`I walked  from dawn to dusk3

 Ablative :
This case relates the source to the verb in the sentence. Where the source is not the agent, the case has three semantic functions.

Donor :

The case is specified as the animate or inanimate being from which the object is transferred. It occurs with action verbs and is marked by the suffix /-nył/.

 /cyį  hnył2   plamįa  syiliyą4/
Nom Abl [D] Acc
`he took  five rupees from me2

 /h1   gwįgnył tįpõkąsą3   brąygde4
Nom Abl [D]
`I1   bought4    three bells3   from the priest2


The case is specified as the point in space at which the action specified by the verb begins. It occurs with motion verbs of direction and is realized as the case inflexion /-gõ/ suffixed to the Noun Phrase.

/h1   kalyįpgõ2   į3   bóliyą4/
Nom Abl [S] Dat
`I1   went4   home from the field2

/h1   tejyabgõ2   hayulya bóne4/
Nom Abl [S] Dat
`I1  shall go4   to Hayuliang from Tezu2

The case is specified as the point in time at which the action identified by the verb begins. The case is realized as the inflexion /-gõ/ suffixed to the Noun Phrase.

/h  įnągõ2   lyįtyig3   chygso4/
Nom Loc [T-beg] Loc [T-end]
`I1     walked from dawn  to dusk3

Instrumental :
The case relates the instrument to the verb in the sentence. The morphological realization is based on its two semantic functions,

Instrument :

It is the inanimate being or force that is causally involved in the precipitation of the action identified by the verb. It occurs with action verbs and is realized as the inflexion /-gõ/ suffixed to the Noun Phrase.





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