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/h1    į2   bóliyą3/
Nom Dat
`I1  went3   home2
 /nyś1   tejyabgõ hayulya3  hanįnį4/
Nom Abl Dat
`you1 come4   to Hayuliang3   from Tezu2
Benefactive :

This case refers to the animate goal to whom the result of the action identified by the verb is intended. The Noun Phrase is marked by the suffix /-bą/.

 /tamyā1    r  tąbr3    maliso4/
Nom Dat Acc
`the tiger1   was hunting4   meat3   for the Sun2


The difference between the dative beneficiery and the dative recipient is that the verb being a recipient transitive is not a necessary condition to the former.
/gwįg1   kįdgmčbą2   jyįbmalł3   kąmą4/
Nom Dat Acc
`the priest1   prays to God  for all men2
/kath1  ranibą tap syisobiri4/
Nom Dat Acc
`The ant1   was bringing4   rice to the queen2
Time :

The goal may specify the point in time of the culmination of the action identified by the verb. The morphological representation depends on various factors.



When the time referred to is specified as a break in the occurrence of the event, i.e., if the event occurs right upto the referred time which is not the culmination of the action but only a temporary end and the action is likely to be resumed and continued beyond that moment, the case inflexion is by suffixing /-khre/ to the Noun Phrase.

/h  sohkhre  bąne3/
Nom Loc [T]
`I1   shall work3   till tomorrow2 (and may work beyond that)’


When the time is specified as the post-terminal reference of the occurrence of the action, i.e., when the action is expected to occur completely before the time referred to, the case inflexion is by suffixing /-be)/ to the Noun Phrase.

 /h1   sohb bąne3/
Nom Loc [T]
`I1   shall do the work3   by (before) tomorrow2


When the time referred to is specified

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