Part of a compound verb, there is no deletion
Sequences, which are not topic chains, are
subordinated for time specification by adding the appropriate adverbial.
Thus given the sentences
the generation of a third structure needs the
insertion of an adverb /hay gõ/
The lower NP, though identical, is not deleted
because it is not nominative. Deletion, however,would have been possible if the higher NP were
Coordination, as a principle for
generation of sentences, is used only when a sequence of sentences have a
common verb complex but different nominative NPs and invariably involves
deletion of one of the nominals in the sentence, the coordination takes two
Conjunction :
S ® S1
+ S2
Given the sentences which have a common verb
complex and distinct non-identical nominative NPs as seen in the |
two sentences
(319) |
/r 1
khāge2/ |
Sun-Nom reach-Mov |
`Sun1 reached2’
(320) |
/tamyā1 kh ge2/ |
tiger-Nom reach-Mov |
`the tiger1
we can generate a coordinate
structure like (322) wherein, one of the verb complexes is deleted and each
of the nominative NPs takes a marker /mu/ roughly meaning `also’.
(321) |
/r mu1
tamyāmu2 |
Sun-also-Nom tiger-also-Nom