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  `both   the Sun1  and  the  tiger2   reached3

Conjunction is possible only with nominative NPs. Other nominals, even if they form topic chains, cannot be conjoined until topicalized to nominatives. Thus given a set of sentences like


/jyimcyane  tamyā  syéliyą3/ and
  Nom  Acc  RemP
  `Jimchane killed  the   tiger2


 /jyimcyane1    taméy  syéliyą3/
  Nom Acc RemP
  `Jimchane killed the   elephant2

we can generate a structure (324)


/taméywčmu  tamyāwčmu2
  elephant-Nom-Conj tiger-Nom-Conj
  jyimcyaneną syéliyą4/
  Jimchane-Inst [A] kill-RemP
  `Jimchane3   killed4  both  the  elephant1  and  the  tiger2

Reciprocal Constructions :
When two consecutive sentences have reversed identity of NPs with common verb complexes, i.e., the nominative NP in the first sentence is co-referential with the accusative NP of the second and the nominative NP of the second sentence is co referential with the accusative NP of the first, the conjoining takes a different form. One of the verb complexes is deleted. Both the accusative NPs are deleted. The nominative NPs are conjoined by each taking the conjunctive marker /ma/ `one of a pair’. Thus given the sentences


 /indiya1   pakistan2  hįdõgą3/ and
  Nom Acc Pa
  `India fought3   Pakistan2


/pakistan1    indiya hįdõgą3/
  Nom Acc Pa
  `Pakistan1    fought3   India2
  we can generate the structure


/indiyama1   pakistanama2    hįdõgą3/
  Conj-Nom Conj-Nom
  `India1    and   Pakistan2    fought3 (each other)’

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