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prą    jyiząb3    tathā prą5
  good fall-Cond crop-Nom good-Adv
  `if3   rains  fell3  in  time1, crope4
  could be good5

3.8.3. Time Specification :
Sequences of two sentences, where one specifies the time of happening of the second or relates the second temporally to any other event in general, the relation is a temporal relation. The process is marked by the VC of the sentence which serves as the temporal reference taking the inflexion /-gõ/ in addition to its tense inflexion. Thus given the two sentences


/cyį1   kam2   bąliyą3/
  he-Nom work-Acc do-RemP
  `he1  did  the  work2


 /nyś1   kam2   bąyąymiri3/
  you-Nom work-Acc do-DF (25g)-Neg-Cont
  `you won’t   be3  doing3  the   work2

  we can generate a structure


 /nyś  kam2   bąyąymiri3
  you-Nom work do-DF (2Sg)-Neg-Cont-Temp
  kam bąliyą6/
  work-Acc do-RemP
  `he4    did6  the   work5   before3  you1  did3
  (the work)2

The two sentences have identical accusative NPs. But no deletion, curiously, occurs in preferred sentences. But in a few instances, we find the deletion of the lower NP giving rise to a sentence like

(315a) /nyś1    tap2   thįyąy mgõ3  cyį4   thįliyą5/
  `he4   ate5 (rice) before3  you1  ate3  rice2

The difference could be due to the semantic nature of the accusative NP. Where it may be a

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