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The two nominative NPs, perhaps, form the subjects of the two verb complexes. But implication is the only process in Mishmi which results in a single sentence with two nominative NPs.

 Conditioning :
Sequences of two sentences, where the happening of one is a precondition to the happening of the other, are said to be in a conditional relationship. The process of sub-ordination such sequences is marked by by the conditional suffixes. The sentences need not form a topic chain.

if the sequence forms a topic chain, the lower nominative NP is deleted and the VC of the conditional sentence takes the conditional inflexion /-kijyi/. Consider the sequence.


 /garwiwčlą  talõ2   ą3/
  horse-P1-Nom wings be(3P1)
  `horses1    have3   wings2


 /garwiwčlą1    ymhanégakityo2/
  horses-Nom fly-Capab-Prob
  horses can fly2
  From this, we can generate the sentence


/garwiwčlą1   talõ2    ąkijyi3
  horses-Nom wing be-Cond

`if3 horses1 had3 wings2, (they)1 could have flown4

The case marking remains the same as in the source sentences. If the sequence does not form a topic chain, the VC of the conditioning sentence takes the conditional inflexion /-be)/. Given the sequence


 /taplįygtyatadyįbgõ macyķgkara2
  seed-sow-season-Loo [T] water-rain-Nom
prą jyizą3/
good fall
`rain2   fell3   in   time1


 /tathā1   prą2   syakityo3/
crop-Nom good-Adv happen-Prob
`corps1    should   be3   good2

we can generate a structure, where (311) is a condition to the happening of the second.


 /taplįygtyatadyįbgõ1    macygkara2
  seed-sow-season-LocT water-rain-Nom

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